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Przetargi skierowane do firm z branży obronnej

Dział promocji handlu Ambasady Brazylii w Warszawie przekazuje informację o dwóch międzynarodowych przetargach skierowanych do firm z branży obronnej, ogłoszonych przez Policję Stanu Sao Paulo.

Panorama Sao Paulo

Przedmiotem przetargów jest zakup pojazdów kuloodpornych oraz półautomatycznych pistoletów kaliber 9 mm. Poniżej znajdują się informacje o obu przetargach w języku angielskim. Szczegółowa dokumentacja przetargu jest dostępna w plikach do pobrania (w jezyku portugalskim).

The Division of Transportation of the Department of Administration and Planning of the Civil Police of the State of São Paulo (Divisão de Transportes do Departamento de Administração e Planejamento da Polícia Civil do Estado de São Paulo) announces the international bidding for price registration of 36 (Thirty Six) Armored Vehicles to be used by the State Civil Police of São Paulo (Procedure SEI nº058.00017274/2023-31). This proposal is formally known as face-to-face trading at the international level, and the winner will be chosen based on the lowest price. The receipt of envelopes containing the tenders and the opening of the public session will be held on February 7th, 2024, 10am (Brasilia time), at the Division of Transportation, located at 7072 Vergueiro St. (Rua Vergueiro, 7072) – Vila Firmiano Pinto – São Paulo/SP – Brazil, ZIP CODE 04272-300. The interested bidders can become aware, consult and obtain all details and documents to participate by the website www.imprensaoficial.com.br, through the link „negócios públicos”, or should be requested via email (transportes.dap@policiacivil.sp.gov.br) or by phone (+55-11-3331- 6353 or +55-11-3331-0804, from 10 am to 5 pm).

São Paulo Civil State Police Department´s Supplies Division announces an international bidding procedure intending to establish a price registration system (indefinite-quantity contracts) of 11,000 (eleven thousand) semi-automatic pistols 9mm caliber, and 1,500 (one thousand and five hundred) semi-automatic tactical pistols 9mm caliber, both with accessories and immediate replacement set (Procedure SEI/SP nº 058.00032823/2023-05). The procedure will be carried out in person at the headquarters of the DS/DAP Supplies Division, located at Brigadeiro Tobias Street, nº 527, 13th floor, Luz district, São Paulo/SP, Brazil, Postal Code 01032-020. Opening on January 30, 2024, at 01:00 pm (Brasilia time). Winners will be chosen based on the lowest price. More information available at www.imprensaoficial.com.br(link Negocios Publicos). Any questions must be requested in Portuguese by e-mail divsupcompras.eqa@policiacivil.sp.gov.br or by telephone to + 55-11-33113700.

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