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Polish Economic Chamber of the Wood Industry


Polish Chamber of the Wood Industry

Polish Economic Chamber of the Wood Industry

ul. Gronowa 22 / 1301 61-655 Poznań

The Polish Economic Chamber of Wood Industry is one of the largest national economic self-government organizations in our industry. It has been in existence since 1992 and has a membership of 150 companies. Most of them are lumber companies, but there are also manufacturers of garden architecture, flooring, pallets, wooden houses, machinery and tools, traders, etc. These are both entities counted among the largest in the country, as well as small and medium-sized companies. They are all equal-right members of the Chamber.

Areas of export support

We support reasonable directions of wood processing from Polish forests and fight inappropriate ones – e.g. related to subsidized and massive use of its full-value assortments for energy purposes, We collect and disseminate valuable marketing information, including statistical data about our industry, information on the prices of roundwood and wooden products in the country and beyond, We promote and support modernization and development of enterprises – from basic production processes, through management and marketing to the utilization of waste – by organizing targeted conferences, symposia, study trips, We create and maintain modern mechanisms to facilitate trade and access to information databases, using the Internet, We work with other industry organizations to jointly solve common problems, We care about the good image of the wood industry and publicize its role and importance, We work with the world of science, supporting and initiating work and research for our members, We support the economic initiatives of our members and help in solving their problems.

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