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The Polish Investment Zone effectively supports investment development

Investments under the Polish Investment Zone* (PIZ) are changing the economic landscape of Poland and supporting sustainable development throughout the country. Two hundred and thirteen decisions on support to the value  of PLN 5.9 billion, creating  approx. 1.6 thousand new jobs – these are the effects of the Polish Investment Zone for the first half of this year. This is  5% more support decisions issued than last year.

Businessmen discuss tables and charts

Special Economic Zones are an important tool to support economic development, attracting investors through favourable tax conditions and infrastructural support. Their functioning allows for the dynamic development of regions, increasing employment and increasing the competitiveness of the Polish economy. We are particularly pleased that more and more companies from the small and medium-sized enterprise sector are reaching for this tool. This proves that SEZs effectively respond to the needs of smaller entities, enabling them to develop and expand into new markets. Cooperation between SEZs and SMEs contributes to the sustainable economic and social development of the country

emphasizes Deputy Minister of Development and Technology Jacek Tomczak.

SME participation in the PIZ

In 2024 alone, Polish companies from the SME sector received as many as 155 support decisions worth PLN 1.4 billion. They declared the creation of 441 new jobs.

The share of companies from the Polish SME sector in the total number of projects in the first half of 2024 was 73%. The declared value of SME investments is 25% of all projects in the first six months of this year.

The Polish Investment Zone

The PIZ is the basic instrument for supporting entrepreneurs, which offers the possibility of obtaining a tax relief for a new investments throughout the country. The decision on support is issued by the territorially appropriate Special Economic Zone, on behalf of the Minister of Economy. The entire country is divided into 14 areas managed by SEZs. The PIZ effectively attracts investments throughout the country, giving entrepreneurs an additional impulse for development.

*The Polish Investment Zone was established pursuant to the Act of 10 May 2018 on supporting new investments. Thanks to this support instrument, tax exemptions are available throughout the country, and not only in designated SEZ subzones, as before. Today, the entire country is divided into 14 areas governed by Zones. Thanks to this, the Responsible Development Strategy was implemented, which is conducive to the sustainable development of the entire country. Currently, the vast majority of Polish Investment Zone investments are located outside the former Special Economic Zones (SEZ).

Source: Ministry od Economic Development and Technology

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