Industry Chambers
Chambers of commerce and business associations
There are numerous institutions supporting entrepreneurs from different sectors or bilateral chambers enabling trade between companies from different countries. Below you will find contact information to the chambers of commerce and other business associations.

Katowice City Hall – Investors Assistance Department
The Investors Assistance Department of Katowice City Hall is a unit which supports investors and ent…

Polish Union of Designers and Engineers – ZOPI
ZOPI actively supports entities focusing their activities on design, engineering and related service…

National Support Centre for Agriculture
The National Centre for Agricultural Support conducts promotional and informational activities aimed…

Polish-Romanian Bilateral Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PRBCC)
The Polish-Romanian Bilateral Chamber of Commerce and Industry is an independent organization that a…

Wielkopolska Chamber of Commerce
The Wielkopolska Chamber of Commerce undertakes initiatives related to the promotion of exports

Polish Space Agency
Polish Space Agency (POLSA) supports Polish space sector entrepreneurs in representing their interes…

Karkonosze Regional Development Agency Inc.
Karkonosze Regional Development Agency is the first point of contact for foreign entrepreneurs inter…

Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry
Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry (PCEI) was founded in 1993 as “Polska Korporacja Targowa” (“Po…

Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice
Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice was established in 1990 by 103 founders from the Silesi…

Union of Producers and Employers of Meat Industry
Union of Producers and Employers of Meat Industry (UPEMI) is the leading Polish industry organisatio…

Warsaw Chamber of Commerce
The Warsaw Chamber of Commerce upports associated companies in their efforts to increase their compe…

Polish Chamber of Commerce
The Polish Chamber of Commerce is the largest independent business organization in Poland. It was es…

Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP)
Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) mission is an implementation of economical developme…

Polish Bicycle Association
Polish Bicycle Association, founded in December 2009, is an organization uniting participants of bic…

We are an organization of entrepreneurs operating in the health care sector. Our members are manufac…

Medicines for Poland
Medicines for Poland represents 18 leading national pharmaceutical manufacturers. Medicines of Polan…

Association of Finishing Works Specialists
The association was founded 11 years ago. It was founded by a group of contractors who wanted to rai…

Aiton Caldwell SA has a 19-year history of developing telecommunications technologies. We are a prov…

National Association of the Tobacco Industry
The National Association of Tobacco Industry exists since 1995. KSPT brings together the largest tob…

LifeScience Cracow Cluster
LifeScience Cracow Cluster is a network of cooperation of partners from business, science, health an…

Modern Buildings Association
The mission of the Modern Building Association is to integrate the building industry in order to ini…

Malopolska Chamber of Craft and Entrepreneurship
Malopolska Chamber of Craft and Entrepreneurship is a socio-professional and economic organization w…

Regional Economic Observatory of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship
The aim of ROG’s activities is to continuously monitor and analyse phenomena occurring in the econom…

Regional Centre for Innovation & Technology
Regional Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer (RCIiTT) is a unit of the West Pomeranian Uni…

Regional Development Agency in Konin
Regional Development Agency Inc in Konin since 1992, it has been working for regional development. T…

Silesia Automotive & Advanced Manufacturing Cluster
The Silesia Automotive & Advanced Manufacturing (SA&AM) Cluster is an initiative of the Katowice Spe…

Sustainable Infrastructure Cluster
Sustainable Infrastructure Cluster is the largest cluster in Poland promoting and implementing affor…

Waste Management and Recycling Cluster
(Klaster Gospodarki Odpadowej i Recyklingu) is a modern, innovative organization of significant impo…

Association “Promotion of Entrepreneurship”
Enterprise Europe Network in Opole supports entrepreneurs from the Opolskie Voivodeship in establish…

North-South Logistics and Transport Cluster
The North-South Logistics and Transport Cluster in Gdańsk is a modern cooperative relation operating…

Western Chamber of Commerce and Industry
We are the biggest, independent organization associating entrepreneurs in Lubuskie Voivodeship. We r…

Polish Chamber of Commerce “POLISH PHARMACY”
Polish Chamber of Commerce “POLISH PHARMACY” is the largest industry organization operating for 30 y…

Polish Chamber of Commerce for Electronics and Telecommunications
The Chamber is an organization operating on the basis of the Act on economic self-government – not-f…

Toruń Regional Development Agency
support institution in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship. TARR S.A. implements a project Export Fun…

Bydgoszcz Regional Development Agency
Bydgoska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego sp. z o.o. is a business support institution and a municipal c…

Polish Chamber of Commerce for Importers, Exporters and Cooperation
The Polish Chamber of Commerce for Importers, Exporters and Cooperation is the organization of econo…

BIM Klaster
BIM Klaster is a trans-regional network of interactions established on 2 April, 2012, on the initiat…

Polish-Latin American Business Council
The Polish-Latin American Business Council was established in 2013 to intensify business contacts be…

Polish-Spanish Chamber of Commerce
The Polish-Spanish Chamber of Commerce has been actively involved in building Polish-Spanish economi…

Polish Chamber of Tourism
Polish Chamber of Tourism is the largest organisation founded by the tourism industry and operating …

The Polish Union of Innovative Medical Biotech Companies BioInMed
The Polish Union of Innovative Medical Biotech Companies BioInMed was created to build ecosystem, in…

Polish-Dominican Chamber of Commerce
The Polish-Dominican Chamber of Commerce (PDIG) is a bilateral organization of economic self-governm…

Polish Cement Association
The fundamental aim of the Polish Cement Association is to develop a cement industry in Poland. The …

Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce
Founded in March 2008 in Warsaw, the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce (PPCC) is an independent,…

Polish Chamber of National Defence Manufacturers
Polish Chamber of National Defense Manufacturers is a voluntary, self-governing organization of Poli…

Polish Steel Association
Polish Steel Association is an organization of economic self-government associating metallurgical en…

Foundry Chamber of Commerce
Foundry Chamber of Commerce is the only nationwide, self-governing organization of foundry sector. M…

Polish Economic Chamber of Electrotechnics
PIGE represents the Polish electrotechnical industry, which consists of both large and small and med…

The Polish Chamber of Railway Equipment Producers and Railway Service Provi…
The basic objective of the Chamber is to represent and protect the interests of our members, as well…

Polish Tourism Organisation
The Polish Tourist Organization – performing the tasks specified in the Act on the Polish Tourist Or…

The Polish Chamber of Shoe and Leather Industry is an industry organisation engaging in activities a…

Polish Chamber of Commerce of Road Transport and Forwarding
The Polish Economic Chamber of Road Transport and Forwarding (PIGTSiS), established on 9 March 1994,…

Association of Polish Dairy Processors
Association of Polish Dairy Processors was established on 28th May 1999. One of the major reasons fo…

Lower Silesian Agency for Economic Cooperation
The Investor and Exporter Assistance Department of the Lower Silesian Agency for Economic Cooperatio…

Association of Household Appliance Employers
APPLiA is an association of household appliance employers representing household appliance manufactu…

Polish Chamber of Organic Food
Polish Chamber of Organic Food is a sector organization which associates farmers, producers, process…

Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry
The Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry (PIPC) is the largest industry organisation representing the…

Polish Chamber of Commerce of Agricultural Machines and Facilities
Polish Chamber of Commerce of Agricultural Machines and Facilities is the apolitical, independent an…

National Union of Fruit and Vegetable Producer Groups
The main objective of the Union’s activities is to provide its members with assistance in their stat…

National Association of Processors of Fruits and Vegetables
National Association of Processors of Fruits and Vegetables operates pursuant to the provisions of t…

The Polish Chamber of Marine Industry and Water Sports
The Polish Chamber of Marine Industry and Water Sports – POLBOAT was established on 11 May 2006 in W…

Polish Producers of Chocolate and Confectionery Products Association
The main purpose of Polish Producers of Chocolate and Confectionery Products Association is represen…

INFARMA is the Association of Employers of Innovative Pharmaceutical Companies, which represents 25 …

Polish International Freight Forwarders Association
The Polish Chamber of Forwarding and Logistics associates entrepreneurs conducting business activity…

Polish Chamber of Milk
Polish Milk Chamber was established in April 2008. It is Poland’s largest organization in the dairy …

Association of Employers Polish Spirits Industry
Association of Employers Polish Spirits Industry (ZP PPS) is a voluntary, self-governing, and self-f…

Economic Chamber of Non-Ferrous Metals and Recycling
The mission of the Chamber of Commerce of Non-ferrous Metals and Recycling, as an economic self-gove…

Fashion Industry Entrepreneurs Association Lewiatan
We represent the economic and social interests of employers in the clothing, leather and textile sec…

Association of Distributors and Producers of Automotive Parts
SDCM engages in cooperation with intermediaries in commercial contacts, acting as an intermediary be…

The Polish Union of The Cosmetics Industry
The Union is an organization of cosmetics sector companies operating in Poland. By representing memb…

Polish Economic Chamber of Scaffolding
We’re one of the foundation members of the european scaffolding organization Union Europäischen Gerü…

Polish Economic Chamber of the Wood Industry
Searching for potential partners in various regions of the world, they include, among others Produce…

Polish Automotive Group (PGM)
We are the first association in Poland, uniting exclusively Polish manufacturers of automotive parts…

National Poultry Council – Chamber Of Commerce
We promote the polish poultry industry abroad; we support the development of exports and strengthen …

The Grain and Feed Chamber
As a trade organizatin we represent the following agricultural sectors: cereals, feed and feed addit…

Chamber of Digital Economy
The mission of the Chamber of Digital Economy is the development of the Polish digital industry thro…

Polish Meat Association
The Polish Meat Association promotes Polish enterprises producing meat and meat products in Poland a…