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Biotechnology and pharmaceutics

Pharmaceutical manufacturing is one of the most innovative industries in the country, and modern biotechnology and pharmaceuticals are becoming increasingly important for Poland’s economic development. In 2019, the industry’s exports increased by 11% year-on-year. Poland’s main partners in this industry, in terms of value of exported goods, are Germany, Russia, and Italy. In 2021, exports of the industry accounted for 1.8% of Polish goods exports.

Farmacja i biotechnologia

The dominant branch of this sector is biotechnology applied in medicine, pharmacy, plant cultivation and animal breeding. Noteworthy is the continuous development of technologies for the production of biosubstances and biofuels. Hormones, antibodies and diagnostic tests produced using modern genetic engineering techniques are becoming a specialty of the Polish biotechnology industry. Pharmaceutical companies based in Poland have already won the trust of customers and investors and are making huge efforts to win new foreign markets. Poland’s greatest asset in these fields is its high research potential and highly educated scientists with unique qualifications.

Industry definition

The industry includes the following CN codes: 2936, 2937, 2941, 3001 to 3004, 3006, 3507, 3822.

These include provitamins, vitamins, hormones, prostaglandins, thromboxanes and leukotrienes, antibiotics, glands and other organs for organotherapeutic purposes, human and animal blood prepared for special purposes, antisera, vaccines, drugs, cotton wool, gauze, bandages, enzymes and others.

Value of industry exports from Poland [EUR]

4 952,71 M Increase of 5% to 2020
5 598,23 M Increase of 13% to 2021
6 143,47 M Increase of 10% to 2022
źródło: Eurostat, Comext

Useful contacts


ul. Puławska 182; 02-670 Warszawa

Polish Chamber of Commerce “POLISH PHARMACY”

ul. Czorsztyńska 6; 01-410 Warszawa


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