Cereals and products of the milling industry
Cereal production belongs to the most important branches of agriculture in Poland and is of strategic importance for the country’s food economy. Cereals not only constitute the raw material base for the Polish cereal and milling industry, but they are also the basic raw material used in the production of fodder and largely determine the profitability of animal production. Moreover, the high quality of cereals and cereal products grown in Poland, as well as competitive prices on the international market stimulate unflagging interest and foreign demand. Poland’s main partners in this industry, in terms of the value of exported goods, are Germany, the Netherlands and Algeria. In 2021, the industry’s exports accounted for 1.1% of Polish exports of goods.
The widespread cultivation of cereals in our country makes Poland one of the largest producers in the European Union. We occupy the second place (after France) among the member states in terms of the acreage of grain cultivation and the third place (after France and Germany) in terms of the obtained harvest. Cereal cultivation in Poland is largely determined by: natural conditions, breeding progress, size and area structure of farms and the level of technological development. Consequently, the greatest supply of cereals for purchase from domestic harvest occurs in the northern and western regions of the country where farms with the largest average area are located.
Industry definition
The industry includes the following CN codes: 1001 to 1008, 1101 to 1109, 1201, 1209, 1212, 1213, 1902, 1904, 2302.
They therefore include the cereals we are familiar with, their flours, groats and pellets, as well as cereal grains processed in other ways such as pasta, flakes or bran. There are seeds, fruits and spores for sowing, straw or husks of cereals. The industry includes the familiar sugar beet on the one hand, as well as the more exotic seaweed and other algae. There is also malt, starch, inulin or wheat gluten.
Basic information on Polish exports in the industry
Poland’s main partners in this industry, in terms of value of exported goods, are Germany, Netherlands and Algeria. In 2021, exports of the industry accounted for 1.1% of Polish exports.
Value of industry exports from Poland [EUR]
Useful contacts
The Grain and Feed Chamber
- Tel.: +48 22 621 94 96
- E-mail: grain@izbazp.pl
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