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Dairy products

The dairy industry is a branch of the economy that includes a set of market players involved in the milk and dairy products production chain. In 2020, the Polish dairy industry exported products worth over EUR 2 billion. Cheese and cottage cheese occupy the dominant position in the export structure. Poland is ranked fifth in terms of the scale of milk production in the European Union and 12th in the world. Poland’s main partners in this industry, in terms of value of exported goods, are Germany, the Czech Republic, and Italy. In 2021, exports of the industry accounted for 0.9% of Polish merchandise exports.


Polish dairy industry is characterized by experienced and well-educated personnel – both in management and in technical matters. We are price-competitive due to relatively lower production costs than in most EU countries and good climatic conditions conducive to dairy farming. Polish dairy farming is both traditional and modern. The quality of raw materials is constantly improving, Polish exporters are appreciated on foreign markets, processing plants are among the most modern in the EU, at the same time Polish dairy production does not burden the environment as much as in other countries.

Industry definition

The industry includes the following CN codes: 0401 to 0406, 2105.

These include products such as milk, cream, buttermilk, curd, yogurt, kefir, butter, cheese, cottage cheese, ice cream and other dairy items.

Value of industry exports from Poland [EUR]

2 608,27 M Increase of 13% to 2020
3 580,40 M Increase of 37% to 2021
3 269,57 M Decrease by -9% to 2022
źródło: Eurostat, Comext

Useful contacts

Polish Chamber of Milk

ul. Mickiewicza 7/23; 15-213 Białystok

Association of Polish Dairy Processors

ul. Złota 59; 00-120 Warszawa


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