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Aerospace industry

Currently, companies related to the aviation industry in Poland employ over 26 thousand employees. Sales of the sector include products of the highest quality, with an extremely high degree of processing. Products are exported mainly to the United States, Canada and Western European countries. Polish aviation industry has several specializations, but its characteristic feature is that it covers basically the whole range of aviation products. Poland’s main partners in this industry, in terms of value of exported goods, are the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. In 2021, the industry’s exports accounted for 1.4% of Poland’s goods exports.

Pojazdy lotnicze, silniki i części do nich

With a century-long tradition of aviation and over 80 years of aerospace industry, Poland stands out as one of the best locations in Europe for development and fulfilment of aeronautic projects. The industry covers aircraft and aircraft parts production, maintenance and overhaul, scientific research and pilot training. Many international aviation corporations operate in Poland and over 90% of their production is exported. The main recipients of Polish exports are the USA, Germany, Italy, Canada and South Korea. Poland also has a strong base of small and medium enterprises, which constitute a wide network of suppliers for such companies as Boeing, Airbus or Embraer.

Industry definition

The industry includes the following CN codes: 8411, 8801 to 8803, 8805, 9104.

These include, but are not limited to, turbojet, turboprop and other gas turbine engines, unpowered aircraft, aircraft, spacecraft and powered orbital stations, aircraft and spacecraft parts, aircraft launch and landing machines and equipment, and others.

Value of industry exports from Poland [EUR]

3 911,67 M Increase of 33% to 2020
4 331,39 M Increase of 11% to 2021
5 170,03 M Increase of 19% to 2022
źródło: Eurostat, Comext


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