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PAIH’s record exports

Thousands of B2B meetings, hundreds of contracts for millions of zlotys and dozens of events. This is what the last six months looked like in the Export Department of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency. Thanks to the hard work of PAIH’s experts, more and more Polish companies began to conquer foreign markets.

Comparing the first half of 2022 with 2023, the Agency records significant increases. The number of signed export contracts increased by 70%, and 28% more inquiries were sent to the Agency. A larger number of people wanted to participate in economic missions organized by PAIH (an increase of 73%). However, thanks to the efforts of the Agency’s experts, the largest increase was in the number of B2B meetings between Polish and foreign entrepreneurs. Compared to last year, we managed to organize over 230% more such meetings.

In the first half of 2023, experts from PAIH’s Export Department worked intensively to support the export and investment activities of Polish entrepreneurs both in virtual and stationary form. The support offer was adapted to the needs of Polish business. We provided entrepreneurs with the most up-to-date information on foreign markets and organized numerous informational and promotional events. Looking at the results for the last six months, we can see that our efforts were not in vain

– emphasizes Paweł Kurtasz, Chairman of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency’s Management Board.

In the first half of 2023, Polish entrepreneurs, with the help of the Agency, signed 333 export contracts worth over PLN 113 million. The largest contracts were signed with companies representing the following industries: food, machinery, yacht, construction and heavy industry. This year, PAIH’s employees responsible for export support have also served almost 5000 Polish and over 1400 foreign clients, providing them with over 16,000 support services.

The Agency’s experts helped interested entrepreneurs verify business partners and overcome language barriers, advised in the entire process of internationalization of activities and educated in the field of cultural codes and created analyses of export potential. In addition to the support services already mentioned, numerous B2B talks were organized for companies interested in internationalizing their activities. Thanks to PAIH, in the first half of this year, over 2600 meetings of representatives of Polish companies with potential foreign contractors took place.

Entrepreneurs also had the opportunity to participate in numerous events around the world. As part of PAIH’s economic mission to Boston, over 30 Polish biotechnology companies presented their products to the world, at one of the largest and most important events for this sector – BIO International Convention. Poles were also present at the largest international exhibition of the aviation and space industry in Australia. Thanks to the Agency’s support, 20 Polish companies presented themselves at the Avalon fair in Melbourne. Poles also participated in the Vivatech trade fair of new technologies in France, environmental protection FIMA in Bogota and many others. As part of facilitating contacts with foreign entrepreneurs, large events organized by PAIH were also held. Among them, it is worth mentioning one of the largest, the Polish-Emirati Economic Forum, which was attended by over a hundred participants from Poland. Or the Polish-Mongolian Business Forum with the participation of the Presidents of both countries, thanks to which representatives of 19 Polish companies had the opportunity to get to know the distant Mongolian market.

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