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Polish gingerbread – a taste of tradition that conquers the world

Gingerbread is more than just a sweet pastry – it is a symbol of Polish hospitality and tradition, which delights with its taste and history. Thanks to export, Polish gingerbread, especially those from Toruń, have become ambassadors of our culinary culture on the global stage.

gingerbread on a plate on the Christmas table

They have gained recognition on global markets thanks to their unique recipes, high-quality ingredients and careful production.

Dynamic growth of Polish gingerbread exports in 2019-2022

In 2022, Poland exported 14.2 thousand tons of gingerbread, with a total value of nearly EUR 44 million.

Compared to 2021, exports increased by more than 8 percent in volume and 24.5 percent in value. Even more impressive are the data for the years 2019 – 2022, during this period the volume of gingerbread sales abroad increased by 31 percent, and their value increased by as much as 55 percent.

These results showed that they became our next export hit. In 2022, Poland was the 3rd largest exporter of gingerbread and the like, after Canada and Germany.

A decline in Polish gingerbread exports in 2023

Exports of Polish gingerbread in 2023 were lower compared to previous years and  only reached EUR 39.83 million.

The factors that contributed to the decline in exports include:

  • increase in production costs (increase in the prices of raw materials, energy and transport),
  • economic crisis (in many countries around the world, but above all among the largest customers in the European Union),
  • political situations (geopolitical conflicts, such as the war in Ukraine).

Despite the decline in the value of exports, in 2023 Polish gingerbread reached 50 countries around the world. The largest markets for their sales were Germany (57.2 per cent of exports), followed by Russia, Romania, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria and the United Kingdom.

Gingerbread exports from January to October 2024

During the ten months of this year, the volume of Polish gingerbread exports reached EUR 36.33 million.

Despite smaller orders from our western neighbour, Germany is still the largest recipient of these sweets. This year, they imported gingerbread worth EUR 15.04 million, while sales to the Czech Republic increased (from EUR 2.53 million in the whole of 2023 to EUR 3.6 million in ten months of this year), Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria and the USA. A decrease is recorded in the direction of Russia and the United Kingdom.

Seasonal increase in gingerbread sales in the pre-Christmas period

Sales of gingerbread grow in the pre-Christmas period, mainly due to their seasonality and tradition related to preparations for Christmas. Although gingerbread is available all year round, it is in December that they are most popular.

In the same period in the  weaker year 2023, in the first ten months, the value of exports amounted to EUR 30.6 million, and the year ended with a result over 29% higher. Therefore, taking into account the approaching end of the year and its last two months, when sales of these cakes are at their peak, and demand is driven by both traditions and numerous promotions and customs of giving gingerbread as gifts during Christmas, it can be assumed that 2024 will be another good year in this industry. If the growth dynamics in November and December reached a similar peak as in the previous year, it could herald a new record in the export of gingerbread from Poland.


  • Central Statistical Office (GUS)
  • PAIH’s own study based on GUS data
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