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The production of Biocomponents in Poland in 2023

Last year, the value of biocomponent production in Poland contributed to strengthening the position of our country as an important European producer of biocomponents. According to the data of the National Support Centre for Agriculture, there were 22 entities in the register of producers, producing biocomponents from various sources.

Corn generated ethanol biofuel with test tubes on white backgrou

Quantities produced in 2023

Bioethanol: 339.39 thousand tonnes of bioethanol were produced (approx. 5.8% more than the previous  year). The main raw material was maize (59% of the total raw materials used). In addition, waste starch slurry, starch production residues from wheat processing, beet molasses, maize and beet molasses, waste and residues, and rectifications were used.

Methyl esters. Production amounted to 971.17 thousand tonnes of methyl esters. The main raw material were vegetable oils (90% of the total raw materials used). In addition, used cooking and frying oils, as well as fatty acids, animal fats and synthesized oils were used.

Liquid biohydrocarbons. 5.33 thousand tonnes of liquid biohydrocarbons were produced, using vegetable oil (58%) and alcohol as well as waste distillates (42%).

All  the biocomponents produced met the criteria of sustainable development. This means that they were produced with respect for environmental protection. They were also characterized by the required reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Biocomponents in fuels

The use of biocomponents in fuels contributes to a significant reduction in emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. It also promotes the sustainable use of natural resources. In addition, fuels enriched with biocomponents are important for the country’s energy security. This is because they make it possible to reduce the use of fossil fuels and reduce dependence on imports.

Source: National Support Centre for Agriculture

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