e-MSI Sp.z.o.o.
Updated: 08.08.2024
Profile views: 201
Business services, IT and Telecommunication
Already exports to:
Baltic states, Norway, Sweden, Israel, United Arab Emirates
Company description
e-MSI is a leading supplier of process digitization services using the JobRouter platform. The company was founded in 2011 in Poland and specializes in helping businesses create and keep a competitive advantage in their respective industries. From 2020 we are responsible for building the JobRouter partners network in Poland, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Israel, and the United Arab Emirates.
Company offers
JobRouter® is a powerful and flexible low-code digitalization platform. It helps companies to digitalize and automate any business process. Users benefit from excellent process automation, agile document management and efficient data management. Besides digitization and automation of processes, we specialize in automated content interpretation. Our product – the IDR® (Intelligent Data Recognition) helps to analyze and retract data from various sources like documents, emails, and images.
Company commodity
Contact Information
e-MSI Sp.z.o.o.
ul. Floriana Stablewskiego 47 2N
60-213 Poznań - Phone:
+48616247799 - E-mail:
oferty@e-msi.pl -
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