Updated: 09.08.2024
Profile views: 154
IT and Telecommunication
Wants exports to:
Western Europe
Company description
Elementywolowe.pl is a web-based informational platform designed to cater to the needs of beef enthusiasts who wish to delve deeper into the nuances of this meat. The website serves as a repository of knowledge that encompasses a wide range of aspects related to this unique raw material. It offers detailed insights into the anatomical features of different beef cuts and practical tips on precision cutting.
Company offers
If you are interested in deepening your knowledge about beef, Elementywolowe.pl is a valuable resource. This informational portal provides comprehensive information on the essential elements of beef, its ontology, and the different types of steaks. It draws on the expertise of professionals and years of experience to provide accurate and reliable details about this kind of meat.
Company commodity
Beef carcass
The beef carcass guide covers a range of essential elements such as sirloin, brisket, rump, cross-cut, flank, and many other high-quality beef cuts that are commonly used in our daily meals. Elementywolowe.pl provides an in-depth description of each of these cuts, along with recommendations for the best dishes to use them in.
Contact Information

Smulikowskiego 4
00-389 Warszawa - Phone:
+48728328800 - E-mail:
biuro@pzpbm.pl -
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