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Home > Polish companies > Inspire sp. z o.o.

Inspire sp. z o.o.

  • Beauty face logo
  • Industries

    Cosmetics and detergents

  • Wants exports to:

    Western Europe, North America, Middle America and the Caribbean, Middle East, Central Asia, Southern Asia, Australia and Oceania

  • Size


Company description

BeautyFace is a family company, which is a combination of passion and knowledge in developing effective, healthy top quality cosmetics. We specialize in creation professional composition of masks & treatments for professional use in Beauty Salons and Home SPA, so we are really good at it. Inspired by the latest discoveries in biotechnology and the effects of natural active ingredients, we create innovative recipes that meet the needs of today's woman. In making products process we are looking

Company offers

There are many sheet masks on the market,
but you will not find masks similar to ours because:
-We have unique ideas for masks.
-We use amazing working fibers
or other carriers.
-We have a completely different approach
to formulation.
-Shape – we make our own cutters for masks
to fit European faces perfectly.
-We strive to be as close to nature as possible
– no perfume, no silicones.

That’s why you will not find a mask
similar to ours
offered by any other company.

Company commodity

BeautyFace masks



COMPANY FROM POLAND - BeautyFace is a Poland-based company established in 2012

SPECIALIZED IN MASKS – we are focus on masks, thats why we can produce probably the best masks on the world

FUNCTION THINKING – booster & best quality products

OWN R&D = UNIQUE MASKS – we create new ideas of format, shape or form of masks

WE KNOW ALL ABOUT MASKS & SKIN – all the time we testing many kinds of fabric, ingredients and ideas for formula we have big knowlege how to make


Contact Information

Beauty face logo

Inspire sp. z o.o.

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