La VIDA Business Development DANIEL BURY
Updated: 09.08.2024
Profile views: 262
Business services, Cosmetics and detergents, Articles of apparel and clothing… expand
Business services, Cosmetics and detergents, Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, Live poultry and meat of fowls, Dairy products, Fruit, vegetables, mushrooms and products thereof, Prepared meat and sausages, Baked goods and sugar confectionery, Cereals and products of the milling industry, Fish and seafood, Animal food, Other food products, Other goods collapse
Already exports to:
United Kingdom, Ukraine, Baltic states
Wants exports to:
Western Europe, Nordic states, North America, Middle America and the Caribbean, Middle East, East Asia, Thailand
Company description
La VIDA Business Development is a global company and sourcing Partner for the biggest Retailers in Europe offering well know FMCG brands, National brand and own brands.
La VIDA provides End to End Logistics Service, goods stickering in several warehouses and all neccessary export doc’s.
Our goal is to assure the best price, high quality and efficient on time delivery of the products.
La VIDA – we bring products into LIFE, let’s do it together :)
Company offers
La VIDA offers well known FMCG brands:
HEINZ, Hellmann’s, FAZER, VIGO Kombucha, ALGIDA, TEES. Vegan brands: Naturli, Oatly, ALPRO.
Sweet Corner - frozen & chilled sweets available in Costa Coffee.
We offer frozen Greece PIZZA, delicious Italian ICE CREAMS and fantastic Italian best quality COFFEE TUBERGA.
We can also propose Customer OWN BRAND italian ice creams or Italian coffee or any other.
La VIDA is also providing end to end services for Retail: Commercial & Logistics efficiency + savings.
Company commodity
La VIDA Business Development have the capability to source a wide range of products, from DRY Food to FRESH and FROZEN products from all over the world.
We cooperate worldwide with well-known international brands. La VIDA is a link between Producers and the biggest Retailers in Europe.
We assure every day high quality products and TOP warehouse and logistics services to our Customers.

Our office, Crown Point, 5th floor ul. Prosta 70 00-838 Warszawa, Poland

La VIDA Business Development, ul. Prosta 70, Crown Point, V floor, 00-838 Warsaw, Poland
Contact Information

La VIDA Business Development DANIEL BURY
ul. Prosta 70
00-838 Warszawa - Phone:
+48601510457 - E-mail: -
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