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Polish companies

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Polish companies

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Services (6)
Electronics and household appliances (2)
Minerals, metals and fuels (6)
Plastics, rubber and articles thereof (3)
Machinery and parts thereof (5)
Articles of paper and cellulosic material (2)
Furniture (2)
Fashion and textiles (3)
Food (14)
Vehicles (7)

Wybierz kierunki eksportu, które Cię interesują


North Africa (7)
Central Africa (38)
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Middle America and the Caribbean (20)
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Australia and Oceania

Australia and Oceania (14)


Middle East (14)
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Visegrad Group (3)
Eastern Europe (3)
Baltic states (3)
Nordic states (5)
Southeast Europe and the Balkans (13)

Wybierz kierunki eksportu, które Cię interesują


North Africa (7)
Central Africa (38)
Southern Africa (7)


North America (2)
Middle America and the Caribbean (20)
South America (12)

Australia and Oceania

Australia and Oceania (14)


Middle East (14)
East Asia (5)
South East Asia (11)
Caucasia (3)
Central Asia (5)
Southern Asia (8)


Western Europe (17)
Visegrad Group (3)
Eastern Europe (3)
Baltic states (3)
Nordic states (5)
Southeast Europe and the Balkans (13)

Wybierz województwa w których prowadzisz działalność.

Języki obce

Experience in export (1/8)

Od ilu lat prowadzisz działalność eksportową?

Wpisz 0, jeśli jeszcze nie prowadzisz działalności eksportowej lub dopiero zaczynasz

Experience in export (2/8)


Jak dobrze Twoim zdaniem Twoje produkty lub usługi są przygotowane do eksportu i konkurencyjne na docelowym rynku zagranicznym? (m.in. posiadanie certyfikatów i oznaczeń wymaganych przez rynek eksportowy, dobrze zidentyfikowane przewagi konkurencyjne na rynku eksportowym, zidentyfikowane lub wdrożone modyfikacje konieczne do wdrożenia na rynek eksportowy itd.)

Experience in export (3/8)


Jak oceniasz kompetencje swojego zespołu odpowiedzialnego za eksport? (pracownicy dedykowani do współpracy z kontrahentami zagranicznymi, ich doświadczenie, znajomość języków obcych itd.)

Experience in export (4/8)

Strategia ekspansji

Jak oceniasz swoją strategię ekspansji na rynek zagraniczny? (m.in. strategię marki, politykę cenową, procedury obsługi klienta, kanały dystrybucji, znajomość konkurencji itd.)

Experience in export (5/8)

Strategia marketingowa

Jak oceniasz swoją strategię marketingową na rynek zagraniczny? (m.in. kanały komunikacji, strona internetowa, social media, materiały promocyjne, prezentacje, uczestnictwo w targach i wydarzeniach plan działań promocyjnych itd.)

Experience in export (6/8)

Obsługa klienta zagranicznego

Jak oceniasz przygotowanie swojej firmy do obsługi klienta zagranicznego? (m.in. logistyka, wzory umów i kontraktów, obsługa płatności zagranicznych, znajomość regulacji prawnych, podatków itd.)

Experience in export (7/8)


Jak oceniasz przygotowanie swojej firmy do sfinansowania ekspansji zagranicznej? (m.in. środki na delegacje, udział w targach, zabezpieczenia płynności finansowej, znajomość instrumentów finansowych w obrocie zagranicznym, zabezpieczenia kursów walut, itd.)

Experience in export (8/8)


Według naszej oceny Twojego doświadczenia eksportowego najbardziej interesujące dla Ciebie będą następujące treści:

Results: 967 Remove filters
  • PIK logo


    Textiles, fabrics and articles thereof
    Other goods
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    Textiles, fabrics and articles thereof
    Other goods
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    We started our business on January 2, 1992. Over the years, we have become a trusted manufacturer, importer and distributor of hotel textiles for the domestic and foreign HoReCa sector. Thanks to the experience we have acquired, we are able to comprehensively equip a lodging facility by various types of textiles: -hotel bed linens, sheets -mattress protectors -hotel towels -spa towels -hotel bathrobes.

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    Plast logo


    Rubber and articles thereof
    Plastics and articles thereof
    Paper, paperboard and cellulosic material
    Other goods
    Show all
    Rubber and articles thereof
    Plastics and articles thereof
    Paper, paperboard and cellulosic material
    Other goods
    Show all

    PLAST is a family-owned enterprise established in 1991. Over the years, the company has evolved into a modern and innovative leader in the disposable packaging industry, emphasizing customer satisfaction and environmental responsibility. PLAST’s dedication to excellence has been acknowledged through numerous accolades, including the Business Gazelle and Forbes Diamonds awards, underscoring the company’s competence and standing in the industry.

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    twoj doktor logo

    Twój Lekarz Online – Konsultacje Lekarskie

    Biotechnology and pharmaceutics
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    Biotechnology and pharmaceutics
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    Twój Lekarz Online is a modern telemedicine platform offering fast access to medical care. Our key services include e-prescriptions (59 PLN), e-sick leave (L4) (79 PLN), medical consultations (99 PLN), and dental consultations (99 PLN)—all available online within minutes. With over 10,000 hours of consultations, we provide secure, efficient, and professional healthcare.

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    Caden logo

    CADEN engineering

    Industrial machinery and mechanical appliances and parts thereof
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    Industrial machinery and mechanical appliances and parts thereof
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    Our engineering office was established in 2002. We provide high quality engineering services to industrial companies. We specialise in the preparation of technical documentation (3D models, manufacturing drawings), but thanks to our close cooperation with production companies, we also offer deliveries of metal parts and welded constructions (in carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminium).

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    Hogai logo


    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
    Laminated wood, plywood and wood frames
    Textiles, fabrics and articles thereof
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    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
    Laminated wood, plywood and wood frames
    Textiles, fabrics and articles thereof
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    Hogai is a Polish brand that is known for its bold and vibrant designs. Specializing in steel and wooden furniture and cotton textiles and decor, we create pieces that combine function and beauty. We are proud to be based in Poland, where we design and craft our products using sustainable materials and work in partnership with local creators to ensure the highest standards of craftsmanship. Hogai Design’s statement pieces stand out against plain, monochromatic interiors all over the world.

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    euro stocker logo


    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
    Laminated wood, plywood and wood frames
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    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
    Laminated wood, plywood and wood frames
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    Eurostocker Tomasz Bronikowski is the contract furniture producer established in 1995 by Tomasz Bronikowski. Since the first day of invention, we constantly support our customers with providing creative furniture solutions within development of chairs, dining chairs, armchairs, sofas, headboards, ottomans or modular furnitures, implementing innovations and delivering contract furniture projects complete. We work both for stable, continuous growth and creation of incredible products and values

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    Forum Africa Poland logo


    Cultural and recreational services
    Business services
    IT and Telecommunication
    Transport and courier services
    Renovation and construction materials
    Biotechnology and pharmaceutics
    Live bovine animals and beef
    Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
    Live poultry and meat of fowls
    Dairy products
    Live swine and pork
    Fruit, vegetables, mushrooms and products thereof
    Prepared meat and sausages
    Baked goods and sugar confectionery
    Other meats and live animals
    Cereals and products of the milling industry
    Fish and seafood
    Animal food
    Other food products
    Show all
    Cultural and recreational services
    Business services
    IT and Telecommunication
    Transport and courier services
    Renovation and construction materials
    Biotechnology and pharmaceutics
    Live bovine animals and beef
    Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
    Live poultry and meat of fowls
    Dairy products
    Live swine and pork
    Fruit, vegetables, mushrooms and products thereof
    Prepared meat and sausages
    Baked goods and sugar confectionery
    Other meats and live animals
    Cereals and products of the milling industry
    Fish and seafood
    Animal food
    Other food products
    Show all

    We are a non-profit organization that successfully organized the first Economic Forum between Poland – Senegal in Warsaw 2023, Africa Poland Forum in Wroclaw 2024 and Economic Mission Dakar – Senegal (GospoDakar 2025) Our goal is to foster economic growth and business collaboration between Africa and Poland by creating a platform of business and investment connection.

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    ski raft logo


    Cultural and recreational services
    Sports and recreation equipment
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    Cultural and recreational services
    Sports and recreation equipment
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    We organize attractions for families, groups of friends and companies, tailoring the offer to the individual needs of our clients. We offer rafting and kayaking trips, corporate events and year-round attractions such as escape rooms, paintball and bike rentals. In winter, we provide ski and snowboard equipment rental. We care about safety and comfort, providing modern equipment and qualified instructors.

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    Maro logo


    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
    Laminated wood, plywood and wood frames
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    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
    Laminated wood, plywood and wood frames
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    For 30 years, we have been making sure that office work is comfortable and ergonomic. Our furniture demonstrates our professionalism and love for what we do. We are passionate about creating exquisite and functional things and that translates into a quest for new solutions that turn concepts into products at a higher and higher level.

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