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Polish companies

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Polish companies

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Services (6)
Electronics and household appliances (2)
Minerals, metals and fuels (6)
Plastics, rubber and articles thereof (3)
Machinery and parts thereof (5)
Articles of paper and cellulosic material (2)
Furniture (2)
Fashion and textiles (3)
Food (14)
Vehicles (7)

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North Africa (7)
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Australia and Oceania (14)


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Australia and Oceania (14)


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Od ilu lat prowadzisz działalność eksportową?

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Experience in export (2/8)


Jak dobrze Twoim zdaniem Twoje produkty lub usługi są przygotowane do eksportu i konkurencyjne na docelowym rynku zagranicznym? (m.in. posiadanie certyfikatów i oznaczeń wymaganych przez rynek eksportowy, dobrze zidentyfikowane przewagi konkurencyjne na rynku eksportowym, zidentyfikowane lub wdrożone modyfikacje konieczne do wdrożenia na rynek eksportowy itd.)

Experience in export (3/8)


Jak oceniasz kompetencje swojego zespołu odpowiedzialnego za eksport? (pracownicy dedykowani do współpracy z kontrahentami zagranicznymi, ich doświadczenie, znajomość języków obcych itd.)

Experience in export (4/8)

Strategia ekspansji

Jak oceniasz swoją strategię ekspansji na rynek zagraniczny? (m.in. strategię marki, politykę cenową, procedury obsługi klienta, kanały dystrybucji, znajomość konkurencji itd.)

Experience in export (5/8)

Strategia marketingowa

Jak oceniasz swoją strategię marketingową na rynek zagraniczny? (m.in. kanały komunikacji, strona internetowa, social media, materiały promocyjne, prezentacje, uczestnictwo w targach i wydarzeniach plan działań promocyjnych itd.)

Experience in export (6/8)

Obsługa klienta zagranicznego

Jak oceniasz przygotowanie swojej firmy do obsługi klienta zagranicznego? (m.in. logistyka, wzory umów i kontraktów, obsługa płatności zagranicznych, znajomość regulacji prawnych, podatków itd.)

Experience in export (7/8)


Jak oceniasz przygotowanie swojej firmy do sfinansowania ekspansji zagranicznej? (m.in. środki na delegacje, udział w targach, zabezpieczenia płynności finansowej, znajomość instrumentów finansowych w obrocie zagranicznym, zabezpieczenia kursów walut, itd.)

Experience in export (8/8)


Według naszej oceny Twojego doświadczenia eksportowego najbardziej interesujące dla Ciebie będą następujące treści:

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  • royal apple logo


    Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
    Other food products
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    Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
    Other food products
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    ACTIV is producer of NFC juices under th brand ROYAL APPLE. Our juices are 100% natural; we don’t add any water, sugar and preservatives. We use high quality fruits and vegetables to produce delicious and healthly juices. We can provide wide range of packaging such as bottles 330ml/ 750ml/ 1L; tetrapak 1L; bag in box 2L/ 3L/ 5L. We are IFS/ BRC certified. We can also offer 3 types of smoothies ( yellow/green/red) and ciders in 10 flavors.

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    STAR IT logo

    STAR IT sp. z o.o.

    IT and Telecommunication
    Transport and courier services
    Electronics and household appliances
    Domestic appliances
    IT and telecommunication equipment
    Industrial machinery and mechanical appliances and parts thereof
    Measuring instruments and apparatus and parts thereof
    Electromechanical appliances and parts thereof
    Other goods
    Show all
    IT and Telecommunication
    Transport and courier services
    Electronics and household appliances
    Domestic appliances
    IT and telecommunication equipment
    Industrial machinery and mechanical appliances and parts thereof
    Measuring instruments and apparatus and parts thereof
    Electromechanical appliances and parts thereof
    Other goods
    Show all

    STAR IT sp. z o.o. is an electronics exporter that specializes in supplying products to East Africa. In addition to its export activities, the company offers consultancy, training, and advisory services. The business profile suggests a dual focus on product trade and knowledge-based services. The main export products likely include a range of electronic devices, components, or related technologies, catering to the East African market.

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    RAWMECH logo

    RAWMECH s.c. Dominik Dewil, Rafał Poros

    Aluminium and articles thereof
    Copper and articles thereof
    Iron, steel and articles thereof
    Other metals and articles thereof
    Plastics and articles thereof
    Industrial machinery and mechanical appliances and parts thereof
    Agricultural machinery and parts thereof
    Other instruments and apparatus
    Show all
    Aluminium and articles thereof
    Copper and articles thereof
    Iron, steel and articles thereof
    Other metals and articles thereof
    Plastics and articles thereof
    Industrial machinery and mechanical appliances and parts thereof
    Agricultural machinery and parts thereof
    Other instruments and apparatus
    Show all

    Rawmech is a company with a 5-year experience in the industry market. We supply the clients both in Poland and in another EU countries. Tens of satisfied clients are proof of our professionalism. Our clients entrust comprehensive projects and parts manufactured up to tens of thousand pieces a month to Rawmech. We are a growing company cooperating with enterprises outsourcing production of elements made of steel, aluminium, bronze or plastic.

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    Cosmetics and detergents
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    Cosmetics and detergents
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    Formula Nova is a manufacturer of bath cosmetics. The company was founded in 2017 and is located in western Poland (1.5 hour drive from Berlin Branderburg airport).All production processes take place in Poland. The quality and safety of our products is most important to us. All of our products have a full set of tests and documentation: the microbiology, dermatology, application assessment, cosmetic product safety report.

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    EKO-DOM logo


    Renovation and construction materials
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    Renovation and construction materials
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    Eko-Dom Okna Szczecin is a West Pomeranian company established in 1998. We have the largest exposure of windows. Only here you can see all solutions in a wide range of colors. A company with certificates From the very beginning of our activity, we focused on the highest quality products from recognized producers. We are a team of professionals who carry out even the most complex orders. We constantly improve the qualifications of our employees, providing our clients with the highest level of ser

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    Cultural and recreational services
    Other goods
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    Cultural and recreational services
    Other goods
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    A company producing wicker products. Family company. We have our own wickerwork farm, we grow wicker and offer basketry material. We produce ready-made wicker products: baskets, furniture, mats, decorations, etc.

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    Heton logo

    Heton Tomasz Ubski

    Transport and courier services
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    Transport and courier services
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    The company Heton Tomasz Ubski was founded in 2001 in response to the transportation market’s demand for high-quality logistics services. We specialize in comprehensive logistics support for all types of cargo, including palletized, ADR (hazardous materials), bulk, containerized, manual handling, oversize loads, and others. We provide full customs clearance services. We have a temporary storage warehouse and operate our own truck transportation. We can also arrange maritime transportation.

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    ENA logo

    ENA Przedsiębiorstwo Usługowo-Handlowe Piotr Prętkowski

    Business services
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    Business services
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    ENA Trading is an International Export Management Company with offices in Poland and USA, that provides an exclusive, outsourced import-export service for domestic and foreign businesses. At ENA Trading, our primary objective is to serve as our clients’ dedicated international sales and sourcing department in foreign markets, leveraging our well-established distribution networks. We offer unparalleled access to a wide range of products, goods, and services from around the world.

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    Goliat przeprowadzki logo

    Goliat Przeprowadzki Małgorzata Czajkowska

    Business services
    Transport and courier services
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    Business services
    Transport and courier services
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    Looking for a reliable moving company? Look no further! Our team at Goliat Przeprowadzki is here to make your relocation stress-free. With a fleet of buses equipped with lifts and specialized furniture vans, we ensure efficient and secure transportation for your belongings. Whether you’re moving locally or across the EU, our professional services guarantee a smooth and timely transition. Trust us for a seamless moving experience. Your satisfaction is our priority!

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    FOX logo

    FOX Robert Nowakowski

    Articles of apparel and clothing accessories
    Footwear and articles of leather
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    Articles of apparel and clothing accessories
    Footwear and articles of leather
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    FOX is a renowned manufacturer of fur apparel and products, celebrated for its impeccable quality and unique design. With extensive experience in the industry, our company stands as a leader in fur production, blending modern approaches with traditional craftsmanship. Each piece in the FOX collection is a result of careful material selection and the precise work of experienced craftsmen.

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