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Polish companies

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Polish companies

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Machinery and parts thereof (5)
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Experience in export (2/8)


Jak dobrze Twoim zdaniem Twoje produkty lub usługi są przygotowane do eksportu i konkurencyjne na docelowym rynku zagranicznym? (m.in. posiadanie certyfikatów i oznaczeń wymaganych przez rynek eksportowy, dobrze zidentyfikowane przewagi konkurencyjne na rynku eksportowym, zidentyfikowane lub wdrożone modyfikacje konieczne do wdrożenia na rynek eksportowy itd.)

Experience in export (3/8)


Jak oceniasz kompetencje swojego zespołu odpowiedzialnego za eksport? (pracownicy dedykowani do współpracy z kontrahentami zagranicznymi, ich doświadczenie, znajomość języków obcych itd.)

Experience in export (4/8)

Strategia ekspansji

Jak oceniasz swoją strategię ekspansji na rynek zagraniczny? (m.in. strategię marki, politykę cenową, procedury obsługi klienta, kanały dystrybucji, znajomość konkurencji itd.)

Experience in export (5/8)

Strategia marketingowa

Jak oceniasz swoją strategię marketingową na rynek zagraniczny? (m.in. kanały komunikacji, strona internetowa, social media, materiały promocyjne, prezentacje, uczestnictwo w targach i wydarzeniach plan działań promocyjnych itd.)

Experience in export (6/8)

Obsługa klienta zagranicznego

Jak oceniasz przygotowanie swojej firmy do obsługi klienta zagranicznego? (m.in. logistyka, wzory umów i kontraktów, obsługa płatności zagranicznych, znajomość regulacji prawnych, podatków itd.)

Experience in export (7/8)


Jak oceniasz przygotowanie swojej firmy do sfinansowania ekspansji zagranicznej? (m.in. środki na delegacje, udział w targach, zabezpieczenia płynności finansowej, znajomość instrumentów finansowych w obrocie zagranicznym, zabezpieczenia kursów walut, itd.)

Experience in export (8/8)


Według naszej oceny Twojego doświadczenia eksportowego najbardziej interesujące dla Ciebie będą następujące treści:

Results: 975 Remove filters
  • Monterstal logo


    Renovation and construction materials
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    Renovation and construction materials
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    Monterstal is a reputable Polish company specializing in steel construction services. With a strong presence in Germany, they excel in the construction and dismantling of steel halls, as well as the fabrication of various steel structures. Their expertise and commitment to quality have earned them a prominent position in the industry, making them a trusted partner for projects of all scales.

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    spin logo


    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
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    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
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    SPIN furniture factory, as a manufacturer (with 30 years of experience on foreign markets UE,GB), can cooperate with you in the distribution of our modular upholstered furniture. We produce furniture on wooden frames, using Bonell springs and upholstery fabrics that meet high standards (including fire resistance). We currently cooperate with furniture wholesalers, retail chains, stationary and online stores, sales intermediaries, sales agents and interior architects. Get in touch with us.

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    globalsystem logo

    Global System SP. z o.o.

    Renovation and construction materials
    Other goods
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    Renovation and construction materials
    Other goods
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    The GLOBAL SYSTEM company was established in 2002 in Nowy Sącz. In the early years of operation, the company distributed construction and fire-fighting joinery. In 2014, GLOBAL SYSTEM launched the production of its own fire gates and reloading systems and moved its headquarters to Brzezna near Nowy Sącz.

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    graznel logo

    GTN Polska Sp. z o.o.

    Business services
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    Business services
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    Gruznet is a renowned company that offers comprehensive waste management solutions primarily aimed at businesses. Specialists are committed to environmental care and adhere to the highest quality standards, ensuring safe handling. With many years of experience in the industry, they have gained valuable expertise and the trust of numerous clients. The services encompass efficient management of various types of waste and the rental of robust containers for debris, garbage, and construction waste.

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    Web4Pro logo

    Bartosz Bielawski

    Business services
    IT and Telecommunication
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    Business services
    IT and Telecommunication
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    Software house specializing in PHP Symfony, our portfolio of dedicated systems includes CMS, e-commerce, reservation system, CRM, production module, B2B panel, WMS with QR support, QR ticketing system. Additionally, we specialize in SEO. Creating websites based on a dedicated CMS means that we have no limits in SEO optimization. We also have the status of a Google Partner – we run Google and Meta advertising campaigns.

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    Karolinka logo


    Glass and ceramics
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    Glass and ceramics
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    Porcelain Factory “Karolina” has a rich tradition of porcelain production. Our modern activity perpetuates a multi-generational heritage of values. Within the historic walls of the factory, the work of human hands is intertwined with machine automation, which helps ensure the high quality of porcelain products. The activity of the Porcelain Factory “Karolina” is more than 160 years of uninterrupted production of beautiful and unique porcelain, and at the same time – creating a common history.

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    Bonumo logo

    Bonumo Pflegevermittlung aus Polen

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    Bonumo Care Agency, based in Poland, is your trusted partner for professional care services for elderly and dependent individuals in Germany. We specialize in connecting families with highly qualified and compassionate caregivers who provide personalized support tailored to the unique needs of your loved ones.

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    Renoskam logo

    Renoskam Dachreinigungsfirma

    Renovation and construction materials
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    Renovation and construction materials
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    Would you like to know more about us? Renoskam is a professional roof cleaning company from Poland that offers a wide range of services related to roofs. We specialize in roof cleaning and coating. We have extensive experience in this field. We have been operating in the market for many years and have a highly specialized and reliable team that is eager to address your issue. Are you interested in giving your roof a new lease on life with our help? Then contact us right now!

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    PROMAG logo


    Machinery and parts thereof
    Industrial machinery and mechanical appliances and parts thereof
    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
    Other goods
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    Machinery and parts thereof
    Industrial machinery and mechanical appliances and parts thereof
    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
    Other goods
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    Our mission is a comprehensive customer service by providing a full spectrum of modern solutions for the storage and internal transport of goods and by providing professional investment service and care over its every stage. We believe with over 40 years of experience we are a trustworthy partner for our clients. Thanks to the variety of our products, we can equip workshops, warehouses, cloakrooms, offices, production halls and other facilities.

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    ADM TRADE logo


    Fruit, vegetables, mushrooms and products thereof
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    Fruit, vegetables, mushrooms and products thereof
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    ADM TRADE has been working on the Polish market since 2010. Our company provides professional trade and transport services. We are the producers and distributors of most fruits, vegetables and other products. Our offered products are fully checked, the best are selected and freshness is guaranteed. Thanks to a dynamic development and a qualified staff we have become one of the biggest exporters in our business in United Kingdom. In order to cooperate please contact.

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