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Polish companies

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Experience in export (4/8)

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Experience in export (5/8)

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Experience in export (6/8)

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Experience in export (7/8)


Jak oceniasz przygotowanie swojej firmy do sfinansowania ekspansji zagranicznej? (m.in. środki na delegacje, udział w targach, zabezpieczenia płynności finansowej, znajomość instrumentów finansowych w obrocie zagranicznym, zabezpieczenia kursów walut, itd.)

Experience in export (8/8)


Według naszej oceny Twojego doświadczenia eksportowego najbardziej interesujące dla Ciebie będą następujące treści:

Results: 975 Remove filters
  • JWW Alliott logo

    JWW Sp. z o.o.

    Business services
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    Business services
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    JWW is an accounting office that has been taking care of the accounting of Polish and foreign companies from many industries for over 25 years, including IT, research and development, transport and forwarding or marketing. We are in two business centers in Poland – in Wrocław and Warsaw. Our team consists of over 60 experienced specialists. We provide services in the field of bookkeeping, HR and payroll services, business consulting, company registration and payment management.

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    ACTCAD logo


    IT and Telecommunication
    IT and telecommunication equipment
    Other goods
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    IT and Telecommunication
    IT and telecommunication equipment
    Other goods
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    We are the sole distributor of ActCAD USA software in Poland. We offer state-of-the-art CAD 2D, CAD 3D and BIM solutions at very attractive prices. Our programs are a viable alternative to autocad, zwcad, gstarcad and draftsight. We offer our programs only with perpetual licenses in ESD, NET, LIVE and USB versions. With standalone license transfer. Our products are based on the recognized IntelliCAD (IntelliCAD 12.1 engine) and ODA solutions. We offer technical support and inexpensive upgrades.

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    Glass and ceramics
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    Glass and ceramics
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    Zakłady Ceramiczne “BOLESŁAWIEC” Sp. z o.o. in Bolesławiec is one of the greater manufacturers of ceramic tableware that is hand-shaped and hand-decorated using one-of-its-kind stamping technique. The history of the factory dates back to the beginning of 1946. Our Company uses the original technique of stamped underglaze decoration that is characteristic for our region. Each piece of our pottery incorporates the work of people practicing top quality craftmanship.

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    AFTERWEB logo

    AFTERWEB Kamil Dudziak

    IT and Telecommunication
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    IT and Telecommunication
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    Afterweb is a company that brings together SEM (SEO and PPC) specialists and enthusiasts who have been dealing with online marketing since 2008. Thanks to the combination of passion and knowledge, it is possible to optimize the websites of all our clients more effectively. Every day, we carry out comprehensive Google Ads campaigns in the search engine, which constantly bring measurable profits to our contractors.

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    Fenes logo


    Machinery and parts thereof
    Industrial machinery and mechanical appliances and parts thereof
    Measuring instruments and apparatus and parts thereof
    Agricultural machinery and parts thereof
    Other instruments and apparatus
    Electromechanical appliances and parts thereof
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    Machinery and parts thereof
    Industrial machinery and mechanical appliances and parts thereof
    Measuring instruments and apparatus and parts thereof
    Agricultural machinery and parts thereof
    Other instruments and apparatus
    Electromechanical appliances and parts thereof
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    FENES S.A. is a Polish producer of cutting tools for more than 40 years. Our high quality and well known brand are the main factors attracting domestic and foreign customers. On our offer is a wide selection of metric and inch cutting tools for metal and wood manufactured according to both European and American standards. Beside metalworking band saw blades we produce HSS, HSS-E and PM HSS-E and VHM cutting tools. Apart from standard tools we are highly specialized in custom-made tools.

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    Radaszewski ubezpieczenia logo

    Tomasz Radaszewski Ubezpieczenia

    Business services
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    Business services
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    Experienced insurance advisor offering cost-effective protection. Services include property coverage against fire, theft, and more. Specialized plans for farmers, covering crops, animals, and machinery. Child Personal Accident Insurance shields against accidents at school or daily life. Family and health coverage available. High-quality service, competitive rates. Aim to ensure client satisfaction and comprehensive support. Visit www.polisa-24.pl for details.

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    Cuda z drewna logo

    CUDA Z DREWNA – Karolina Maj

    Measuring instruments and apparatus and parts thereof
    Other goods
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    Measuring instruments and apparatus and parts thereof
    Other goods
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    The CUDA Z DREWNA brand was created with the idea of creating unique and matching wood accessories for any interior. In the beginning, we created clocks from oak slices for family and friends, then we expanded our offerings to include other types of slices, until we finally decided to create the first clock in a rim! Since always, each wood clock was completely personalized! The customer decides the look of the item they purchase. Discover the amazing Wonders of Wood.

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    Kantata logo


    IT and Telecommunication
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    IT and Telecommunication
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    Kantata Ltd. has been operating in the IT services market for more than 20 years. We provide modern solutions such as software and hardware. We support companies in maintaining business continuity. We specialize in ERP class systems. Our company’s mission is to supervise and maintain IT systems and integrate software supporting enterprise management in all areas of its activity. For more information about us, please visit our website. Committed to quality service, we offer you Friendly IT.

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    UNIWERS logo


    IT and Telecommunication
    IT and telecommunication equipment
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    IT and Telecommunication
    IT and telecommunication equipment
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    Uniwers.com is a company that has been operating in Poland for 20 years. We deal with implementations as well as service and training in the most popular ERP systems on the Polish market from the Cracow-based manufacturer Comarch S.A. So far we have successfully implemented Comarch ERP Optima, XL as well as Altum and XT software at hundreds of clients all over the country. We have a wide team of qualified and experienced consultants, programmers and implementers, who are always willing to help.

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    Jankowski logo


    Laminated wood, plywood and wood frames
    Other goods
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    Laminated wood, plywood and wood frames
    Other goods
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    Our offer includes a solid board and a finger-jointed board made of oak, beech and ash wood. Solid and finger-jointed boards are used in the production of kitchen and worktops, stair treads and in the furniture industry. The company sells white or steamed beech sawn timber, ash and oak sawn timber in commercial thicknesses. We also offer hardwood frieze, this product is available in a rough, planed, wet and dry form. For the production of furniture, floors etc. Our products are very high quality

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    World Expo International logo

    World Expo International Sp. z o.o.

    Business services
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    Business services
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    The basic profile of the Company`s operation is the organization of Polish collective and individual participation`s at international trade fairs, exhibitions and congresses. The Company represents in Poland, operating as an exclusive representative of trade fairs, a dozen or so international and most recognizable trade fair brands in the following sectors and among others: medical, furniture, mining, construction, energy, cosmetics, F&B, IT and new technologies.

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