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Polish companies

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Experience in export (2/8)


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Experience in export (4/8)

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Experience in export (5/8)

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Experience in export (6/8)

Obsługa klienta zagranicznego

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Experience in export (7/8)


Jak oceniasz przygotowanie swojej firmy do sfinansowania ekspansji zagranicznej? (m.in. środki na delegacje, udział w targach, zabezpieczenia płynności finansowej, znajomość instrumentów finansowych w obrocie zagranicznym, zabezpieczenia kursów walut, itd.)

Experience in export (8/8)


Według naszej oceny Twojego doświadczenia eksportowego najbardziej interesujące dla Ciebie będą następujące treści:

Results: 975 Remove filters
  • ITrix logo

    ITrix Jarosław Kałasz

    IT and Telecommunication
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    IT and Telecommunication
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    ITrix offers support, training and implementation of an online business management system. We have many years of experience working with the Bitrix24 system and specialize in automating company processes. We take a responsible approach to work, so we study the needs of each client and offer customized solutions. Our team of implementers and IT specialists will make sure that these solutions are implemented in your company at the highest level.

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    fasing logo


    Minerals, ores and articles thereof
    Industrial machinery and mechanical appliances and parts thereof
    Agricultural machinery and parts thereof
    Show all
    Minerals, ores and articles thereof
    Industrial machinery and mechanical appliances and parts thereof
    Agricultural machinery and parts thereof
    Show all

    Capital Group FASING Inc. is the biggest in Central Europe and one of the biggest in the world producer of chains for mining, fishery, power, sugar, cement, timber industry and other sectors where the implementation of technical chain takes place. Over 110 years of experience, advanced research facilities and the use of innovative technological solutions guarantee the top quality and reliability of our products and enabe us to be responsive to dynamically changing market needs. The sentence “Th

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    bosch service logo

    Bosch Car Service Auto Kabziński

    Business services
    Automotive industry
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    Business services
    Automotive industry
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    For those seeking specialized diagnosis and repairs for their car, Bosch Car Service Auto Kabziński is the optimal solution. This establishment is renowned for its qualified mechanics, high-quality services, and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. The specialists will meticulously attend to every detail of your vehicle, proficiently handling complex electrical and mechanical repairs while also servicing tires and brake systems.

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    basiclab logo


    Cosmetics and detergents
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    Cosmetics and detergents
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    BasicLab is a Polish dermocosmetics brand based on the idea of conscious and effective care and transparent communication. The founders of the brand: Anita Zacharska and Joanna Zgajewska, have used their many years of professional experience gained in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry to create a proprietary brand that meets the high expectations of the most demanding customers. BasicLab’s mission is to build a satisfying relationship with the skin through effective and thoughtful care.

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    Paged logo


    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
    Laminated wood, plywood and wood frames
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    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
    Laminated wood, plywood and wood frames
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    Paged is a Polish furniture manufacturer of hand-bent wooden chairs and tables. One of the four largest furniture manufacturers in the world, Paged is present with its offer in 76 countries on six continents. It employs over 500 people in its two factories in southern Poland and its annual production can reach up to half a million pieces of furniture. The first Paged factory in Jasienica was established in 1881. The company is a part of Thumos Capital Group.

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    Teknafood banner


    Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
    Fruit, vegetables, mushrooms and products thereof
    Baked goods and sugar confectionery
    Cereals and products of the milling industry
    Other food products
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    Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
    Fruit, vegetables, mushrooms and products thereof
    Baked goods and sugar confectionery
    Cereals and products of the milling industry
    Other food products
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    Teknafood is an ecological company that is friendly to taste lovers. It is created by people who treat food with real passion, and Italian cuisine is their native cuisine. As a direct importer, Teknafood is able to guarantee the freshest products and the best quality at the best price and with the lowest carbon footprint. By buying at teknafood you support local producers of traditional food. We hope that the range of products we offer will delight your palate and create unforgettable moments.

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    Świat kolorowych nadruków logo

    “Świat kolorowych nadruków” Rafał Bieńkowski

    Fashion and textiles
    Articles of apparel and clothing accessories
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    Fashion and textiles
    Articles of apparel and clothing accessories
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    The Świat kolorowych nadruków is an innovative company that produces T-shirts with your own inscriptions. Our production is based on the highest quality materials to ensure excellent effects and durability of our products. We give our customers complete freedom to create their own subtitles. We can print texts, images, logos or graphics that customers want to put on a T-shirt. Our company supports individual and group orders.

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    DAZ logo

    DAZ- Konstrukcje metalowe DANIEL ZOŁOTEŃKO

    Renovation and construction materials
    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
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    Renovation and construction materials
    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
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    The headquarters of Daz- Konstrukcje Metalowe Daniel Zołoteńko is located in Markosice, in the Lubusz Voivodeship. The company’s main focus is on the Steel Structures industry. The company operates at the address 66-620 Markosice 7. The most common services offered by companies in the industry include: steel structures, steel construction. We specialize in the production and installation of various metal structures to enhance your property.

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    Hasco Lek logo


    Biotechnology and pharmaceutics
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    Biotechnology and pharmaceutics
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    PPP Hasco-Lek S.A. is a leading manufacturer of drugs, dietary supplements, cosmetics, and medical devices, delivering over 48 million product packages every year. Product quality is confirmed by EU-GMP and ISO certificates. Hasco-Lek has 40 years of experience and keeps stable 6-th position among Top 10 companies selling OTC products on Polish market. Hasco-Lek is a part of family-owned Hasco Group that consists of two drug manufacturing plants, R&D center, distribution center and a hospital.

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    Tobo logo


    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
    Laminated wood, plywood and wood frames
    Other goods
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    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
    Laminated wood, plywood and wood frames
    Other goods
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    Tobo is a family-owned company with 25 years of tradition. It specialises in the production of furniture for offices, reception areas, conference rooms, hotels, banks, hospitals, schools, public facilities and flats. In addition to standard collections, the company has introduced a novelty – pro-health furniture. The offer is also characterised by a wide range of complementary furniture. Tobo works with leading manufacturers of chairs, armchairs, metal furniture, safes and other furnishings.

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