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Polish companies

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Polish companies

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Minerals, metals and fuels (6)
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Experience in export (1/8)

Od ilu lat prowadzisz działalność eksportową?

Wpisz 0, jeśli jeszcze nie prowadzisz działalności eksportowej lub dopiero zaczynasz

Experience in export (2/8)


Jak dobrze Twoim zdaniem Twoje produkty lub usługi są przygotowane do eksportu i konkurencyjne na docelowym rynku zagranicznym? (m.in. posiadanie certyfikatów i oznaczeń wymaganych przez rynek eksportowy, dobrze zidentyfikowane przewagi konkurencyjne na rynku eksportowym, zidentyfikowane lub wdrożone modyfikacje konieczne do wdrożenia na rynek eksportowy itd.)

Experience in export (3/8)


Jak oceniasz kompetencje swojego zespołu odpowiedzialnego za eksport? (pracownicy dedykowani do współpracy z kontrahentami zagranicznymi, ich doświadczenie, znajomość języków obcych itd.)

Experience in export (4/8)

Strategia ekspansji

Jak oceniasz swoją strategię ekspansji na rynek zagraniczny? (m.in. strategię marki, politykę cenową, procedury obsługi klienta, kanały dystrybucji, znajomość konkurencji itd.)

Experience in export (5/8)

Strategia marketingowa

Jak oceniasz swoją strategię marketingową na rynek zagraniczny? (m.in. kanały komunikacji, strona internetowa, social media, materiały promocyjne, prezentacje, uczestnictwo w targach i wydarzeniach plan działań promocyjnych itd.)

Experience in export (6/8)

Obsługa klienta zagranicznego

Jak oceniasz przygotowanie swojej firmy do obsługi klienta zagranicznego? (m.in. logistyka, wzory umów i kontraktów, obsługa płatności zagranicznych, znajomość regulacji prawnych, podatków itd.)

Experience in export (7/8)


Jak oceniasz przygotowanie swojej firmy do sfinansowania ekspansji zagranicznej? (m.in. środki na delegacje, udział w targach, zabezpieczenia płynności finansowej, znajomość instrumentów finansowych w obrocie zagranicznym, zabezpieczenia kursów walut, itd.)

Experience in export (8/8)


Według naszej oceny Twojego doświadczenia eksportowego najbardziej interesujące dla Ciebie będą następujące treści:

Results: 754 Remove filters

    Business services
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    Business services
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    The law firm Artur Slemp, attorney at law, operates effectively in Rzeszów and the entire Podkarpackie Voivodeship. We represent clients in court proceedings, we prepare pleadings, we participate in negotiations and mediations, we pursue claims for damages, we provide legal advice and consultations. The Law Firm provides legal support in many areas of law, in particular inheritance law. The law firm serves individual and corporate clients.

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    Kancelaria Adwokacka Adw. Aleksandra Kabaczyńska

    Business services
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    Business services
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    Our boutique law firm is dedicated to family and copyright law. Thanks to such a narrow specialization, we are able to provide our clients with the highest level of services. What distinguishes us is a non-standard approach, flexibility and care for every, even the smallest detail of cases. Effect? The high effectiveness of our activities and the satisfaction of our customers.

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    Kancelaria Adwokacka Adwokat Edyta Wojnarowska

    Business services
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    Business services
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    We are a modern law firm providing services to individuals and business entities from Dębica, Ropczyce and the surrounding area. The office of the Law Firm is located right next to the building of the District Court in Dębica, in a low-rise building next to the Lewiatan store. We are aware that you come to us not only with a legal problem, but also with emotions and life difficulties that we help you overcome. We offer comprehensive legal services to clients at every stage of the proceedings.

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    JWW Sp. z o.o.

    Business services
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    Business services
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    JWW is an accounting office that has been taking care of the accounting of Polish and foreign companies from many industries for over 25 years, including IT, research and development, transport and forwarding or marketing. We are in two business centers in Poland – in Wrocław and Warsaw. Our team consists of over 60 experienced specialists. We provide services in the field of bookkeeping, HR and payroll services, business consulting, company registration and payment management.

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    Business services
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    Business services
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    The Law Office of Attorney Justyna Migas provides legal assistance to businesses and individuals, as well as debt collection and online legal assistance. We tailor our approach to your needs to ensure that you aren’t inconvenienced. You may receive legal assistance using electronic means without visiting our office, as well as onsite at the location of our client. In addition, to satisfy your needs, we may also provide legal services.

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    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
    Other goods
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    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
    Other goods
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    JOTKEL specializes in equipping workshops, production plants, warehouses and staff rooms.. he company has been operating since 1978 and produces workshop furniture, other products made of carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminium as well as hand trolleys. We also offer services in the field of processing metal sheets and sections. Cooperation in the design and production of high quality products made of carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminium.

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    JF Technologie Magdalena Adamska-Kiśluk

    Renovation and construction materials
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    Renovation and construction materials
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    We are Poland based company that designs and manufactures energy-efficient thermal windowsills and thermal insulation systems (mainly the so-called ” warm” windowsills, slats, foundations, balcony profiles, and eco profiles). Since 2017 JF Technologie has been successfully cooperating with assembly companies, distributors of windows and doors, woodwork manufacturers, construction companies, manufacturers of modular houses, general contractors, and more.

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    Jarosław Bulik Blue Technology

    Measuring instruments and apparatus and parts thereof
    Electromechanical appliances and parts thereof
    Other goods
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    Measuring instruments and apparatus and parts thereof
    Electromechanical appliances and parts thereof
    Other goods
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    We are one of the major manufacturers of electronic paint meters. Our offer includes over 20 different models of devices. We have paint testers with automatic substrate detection and evaluation aid systems.

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    Jan Toczyski EWIZA

    Renovation and construction materials
    Glass and ceramics
    Other goods
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    Renovation and construction materials
    Glass and ceramics
    Other goods
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    From the very beginning, we focus on selecting unique offerings, most of them handicrafts, and emphasize our customer’s satisfaction in the service and ordering process. We know that for many customers it is important to be able to see the products live before purchase, so we invite you to our showroom in Warsaw. For customers for whom a visit to our showroom is not possible, we give the opportunity to return or exchange purchased goods.

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    ITrix Jarosław Kałasz

    IT and Telecommunication
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    IT and Telecommunication
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    ITrix offers support, training and implementation of an online business management system. We have many years of experience working with the Bitrix24 system and specialize in automating company processes. We take a responsible approach to work, so we study the needs of each client and offer customized solutions. Our team of implementers and IT specialists will make sure that these solutions are implemented in your company at the highest level.

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    INTest Paweł Kwasik

    Cultural and recreational services
    Business services
    IT and Telecommunication
    Transport and courier services
    IT and telecommunication equipment
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    Cultural and recreational services
    Business services
    IT and Telecommunication
    Transport and courier services
    IT and telecommunication equipment
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    We organise open and dedicated training courses prepared strictly according to the client’s instructions. Training courses are conducted by specialists in their field. Courses are conducted by an accredited trainer. They are intended for people who want to start working as software testers and for those who have already been working in the IT sector for some time. They allow you to systematise your knowledge of software testing and for people with several years of experience.

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