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Polish companies

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Polish companies

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Experience in export (2/8)


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Experience in export (3/8)


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Experience in export (4/8)

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Experience in export (5/8)

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Experience in export (6/8)

Obsługa klienta zagranicznego

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Experience in export (7/8)


Jak oceniasz przygotowanie swojej firmy do sfinansowania ekspansji zagranicznej? (m.in. środki na delegacje, udział w targach, zabezpieczenia płynności finansowej, znajomość instrumentów finansowych w obrocie zagranicznym, zabezpieczenia kursów walut, itd.)

Experience in export (8/8)


Według naszej oceny Twojego doświadczenia eksportowego najbardziej interesujące dla Ciebie będą następujące treści:

Results: 975 Remove filters
  • C. Hartwig logo


    Transport and courier services
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    Transport and courier services
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    C. Hartwig Gdynia S.A. is the oldest forwarding company in Poland with 165 years of experience. We are a shipping company, running on Polish and international market. We owe our success largely to a comprehensive offer, investment in modern solutions, dynamic operations, and the professionalism of our employees. As a part of a Rhenus Team, we have the access to departments in 60 countries all over the world and we are able to offer the most sophisticated logistic solutions.

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    GLITHERM logo


    Other goods
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    Other goods
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    Since 2012 GLITHERM has been a leading manufacturer of specialty chemical products, which are mainly used in equipment for generating energy from renewable sources, but also in the automotive, chemical, food and construction industries. Our own production line, the highest quality raw materials purchased directly from manufacturers, high quality standards and an interdisciplinary team of specialists responsible for product development are what distinguishes Glitherm on the market.

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    DUDKOWIAK Kopeć&Putyra logo


    Business services
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    Business services
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    Dudkowiak Kopec Putyra Business Lawyers operates on Polish market of legal services since 1992 and specialized in providing legal services to foreign investors and international corporations in their investment ventures in Poland. DKP is particularly recognized in Poland for M&A and Corporate Law, Real Estate, Litigation, Arbitration and Employment Law. Regarding Industries – DKP is recognized in Aviation, FinTech, Food & Agriculture, Mining, IT and Software, Media & Entertainment.

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    VEGELIO logo

    VEGELIO Renata Krysiak

    Fruit, vegetables, mushrooms and products thereof
    Other food products
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    Fruit, vegetables, mushrooms and products thereof
    Other food products
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    VegeLIO is FoodTech startup run by mother and daughter. We love freeze-drying process, especially freeze-drying vegeatables. We are creating and producing products made from freeze-dried vegetbales and herbs. We make sure that our products have balanced compositions, are 100%natural and very tasty! Our first product is VegeLIO-blend of freeze-dried vegetables and herbs with spices. It’s universal, wholesome, tasty and healthy product. We cooperate with Universities to create innovative products.

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    PRODUCT PLUS Kozanecki, Słabolepszy spółka jawna

    Baked goods and sugar confectionery
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    Baked goods and sugar confectionery
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    Product Plus is the polish company and has been producing sesame snacks for over 35 years. We are the only one which decided to specialize in one cathegory of products -sesame snacks. Direct import of sesame seeds quarantees us safety of quality the same as workable costs. We have been cooperating directly with the biggest producers of sugar in Poland the same as glucose syrup . Our line and machines are strictly fitted for sesame production and 75% production’s capacity are the biggest private

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    Renovation and construction materials
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    Renovation and construction materials
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    Europanels company is a producer of sandwich panels made of steel facings and polyurethane, EPS (polystyrene) and mineral wool core. The above panels are used to build a various type of well insulated buildings in a short period of time . All you have to have is subconstruction made of steel, wood or concrete and then just fix the panels delivered by our company. We also provide all accessories, needed during assembly of panels ( like screws, flashings), as well as doors, windows, skylights.

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    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
    Laminated wood, plywood and wood frames
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    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
    Laminated wood, plywood and wood frames
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    Global Furniture Manufacturer With over a century of experience, INTERMEBLE is a leading global flat packed furniture producer. Our Polish factory, established in 1921, combines tradition with responsible management and cutting-edge technology for continuous sustainable development. We have earned a stable position in the global market, exporting furniture to 40 countries. In addition to our catalog, we provide custom furniture production with a focus on quality and aesthetics.

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    strobos logo


    Vehicle parts (excluding engines)
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    Vehicle parts (excluding engines)
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    We are producer of led warning lights and signal equipment for road safety in Poland. From begining of our existance in 2010 we are working in emergancy business. In this moment we are producer of high quality led lights and mobile crash attenuators. Company is located at special economic area in Trzebinia city at the south of Poland, close to A4 highway and it takes 1800 square metres in 2 buildings. Our products are instaled in all type of special vehicles in all world, STROBOS brand is we

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    Szynaka Meble logo

    Szynaka Meble Sp. z o.o.

    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
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    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
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    Szynaka is a multi-generation, Polish family-run company, which, thanks to modern management methods and an effective promotion policy, has developed numerous business relations in Poland and in several dozen other countries in the world. Today, Grupa Meblowa Szynaka consists of 8 modern production plants as well as a Logistic Centre and Pałac Mortęgi Hotel & SPA. The total floor area of the facilities is over 500,000 m², which is the size of 70 football grounds.

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    Style home logo

    Style Home Sp. z o.o.

    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
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    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
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    We are Polish furniture manufacturers with 20 years’ experience. Our products are made solely out of the best materials: solid and durable beech or oak wood and best quality fabrics sourced internationally. As a result, we receive the outstanding furniture: chairs, armchairs, sofas, accent chairs and tables. When creating our models, we are inspired and motivated by the relationship between the product and the space where it belongs to.

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    JF Technologie logo

    JF Technologie Magdalena Adamska-Kiśluk

    Renovation and construction materials
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    Renovation and construction materials
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    We are Poland based company that designs and manufactures energy-efficient thermal windowsills and thermal insulation systems (mainly the so-called ” warm” windowsills, slats, foundations, balcony profiles, and eco profiles). Since 2017 JF Technologie has been successfully cooperating with assembly companies, distributors of windows and doors, woodwork manufacturers, construction companies, manufacturers of modular houses, general contractors, and more.

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