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Polish companies

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Polish companies

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Experience in export (2/8)


Jak dobrze Twoim zdaniem Twoje produkty lub usługi są przygotowane do eksportu i konkurencyjne na docelowym rynku zagranicznym? (m.in. posiadanie certyfikatów i oznaczeń wymaganych przez rynek eksportowy, dobrze zidentyfikowane przewagi konkurencyjne na rynku eksportowym, zidentyfikowane lub wdrożone modyfikacje konieczne do wdrożenia na rynek eksportowy itd.)

Experience in export (3/8)


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Experience in export (4/8)

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Jak oceniasz swoją strategię ekspansji na rynek zagraniczny? (m.in. strategię marki, politykę cenową, procedury obsługi klienta, kanały dystrybucji, znajomość konkurencji itd.)

Experience in export (5/8)

Strategia marketingowa

Jak oceniasz swoją strategię marketingową na rynek zagraniczny? (m.in. kanały komunikacji, strona internetowa, social media, materiały promocyjne, prezentacje, uczestnictwo w targach i wydarzeniach plan działań promocyjnych itd.)

Experience in export (6/8)

Obsługa klienta zagranicznego

Jak oceniasz przygotowanie swojej firmy do obsługi klienta zagranicznego? (m.in. logistyka, wzory umów i kontraktów, obsługa płatności zagranicznych, znajomość regulacji prawnych, podatków itd.)

Experience in export (7/8)


Jak oceniasz przygotowanie swojej firmy do sfinansowania ekspansji zagranicznej? (m.in. środki na delegacje, udział w targach, zabezpieczenia płynności finansowej, znajomość instrumentów finansowych w obrocie zagranicznym, zabezpieczenia kursów walut, itd.)

Experience in export (8/8)


Według naszej oceny Twojego doświadczenia eksportowego najbardziej interesujące dla Ciebie będą następujące treści:

Results: 968 Remove filters
  • Logo firmy Sinmed


    Biotechnology and pharmaceutics
    Plastics and articles thereof
    Cosmetics and detergents
    Medical equipment
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    Biotechnology and pharmaceutics
    Plastics and articles thereof
    Cosmetics and detergents
    Medical equipment
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    Polish manufacturer of medical Equipment Sinmed Sp. z o.o. is a manufacturer and supplier of medical equipment for many branches of medicine. We offer products of renowned brands from all over the world. We were established in 2016 as a company focused on two key goals: improving the quality of life for people in the area of healthcare and facilitating the work of medical staff.

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    Logo firmy Centrum Zdrowegu Oddychania

    Centrum Zdrowego Oddychania

    Medical equipment
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    Medical equipment
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    If you are a CPAP patient or are just starting treatment, you’ve come to the right place! The CPAP store is a place where you can buy anything for therapy Sleep apnea. CPAP devices, masks and accessories for Devices and masks. We also perform on-line diagnostic tests, such as Poligraphy or CPAP test, as well as medical consultations after the tests.

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    Logo firmy Gesti


    Business services
    Products of the printing industry
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    Business services
    Products of the printing industry
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    We create promotional paper bags that enhance your customers’ shopping experience and make them feel satisfied. We want your customers to feel pampered, which is why we especially care that the look of the bag supports building awareness of your brand and emphasizes the quality of your services. Our printed advertising bags are distinguished by the quality of workmanship, any size, a variety of handles, refinements and unique designs that will surely delight your customers.

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    Logo firmy Wszechnica uniwersytetu jagiellońskiego


    Business services
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    Business services
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    Wszechnica UJ is a partner in sustainable growth for the organisations. We know how to build a healthy and supportive work environment. We offer a consultancy services and trainings for companies often combined with strategic planning, shaping of organisational culture. We also provide individual development programmes. Wszechnica UJ also runs R+D projects in a field of competences of the future for industry 4.0 or culture of learning in organisation.

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    Logo firmy IC & Partners


    Business services
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    Business services
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    IC&Partners is an international Italian group specialized in Law & Tax consultancy. The network of IC&Partners cover over than 25 countries, above all Poland and Eastern Europe, China, USA, with a team of Italian and local professionals with multidisciplinary training. IC&Partners is specialized in business, legal and tax consulting, accounting and administrative services. Strategic advice and a wide range of services with an integrated approach, IC&Partners #supportingbusinessworldwide

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    Logo firmy mBoat

    mBoat Patryk Tyszko

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    The beginning of the company is connected with motor yachts charter in Masuria. After achieving many successes in rental business, the company started selling Polish motorboats in the countries of the European Union. Currently, the cooperation has been established with about 5 Polish shipyards and boat-building companies. mBoat.eu deals with the production and the sale of Day Cruiser, Bowrider, Cabin Cruiser and Pilothouse class powerboats, as well as motor yachts and houseboats from Poland.

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    Logo firmy Complet furniture


    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
    Laminated wood, plywood and wood frames
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    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
    Laminated wood, plywood and wood frames
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    COMPLET FURNITURE® is a furniture company based in Poland. We are a multi-generational family business with over 30 years of experience. We create our products with passion, attention to detail and the highest quality materials. We sell our furniture across Europe, North America and Asia. We offer eco products, natural raw materials, spruce or pine wood, are used for their production. FSC® certified wood is used at the customer’s request. Our brand offers great quality at an affordable price.

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    Logo firmy Euvic


    Business services
    IT and Telecommunication
    IT and telecommunication equipment
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    Business services
    IT and Telecommunication
    IT and telecommunication equipment
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    More than 4,500 employees and 17 years of experience make us a big company. But despite the passage of time and our ever-growing client portfolio, we are still a company with a soul, created for IT engineers, by IT engineers. We are realizing our vision of a thriving company “with a human face” – co-created by #theGoodPeople – good people and great professionals, creating good software. It is our commitment to our own development, and thus to our client’s growth and success, that makes us a trus

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    Logo firmy WaSH Innovation

    WaSH Innovation Sp. z o.o

    Sports and recreation equipment
    Plastics, rubber and articles thereof
    Rubber and articles thereof
    Plastics and articles thereof
    Polymers, resins and articles thereof
    Medical equipment
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    Sports and recreation equipment
    Plastics, rubber and articles thereof
    Rubber and articles thereof
    Plastics and articles thereof
    Polymers, resins and articles thereof
    Medical equipment
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    Our mission is to provide access to basic hygiene standards in conditions where stationary solutions become unreliable or are absent. We believe that we are able to provide the best portable, water-saving and comfortable devices ensuring complete personal hygiene together with more advanced features such as hand-free cleaning.

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    Logo firmy wytwórnia mebli zbigniew kucharski


    Business services
    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
    Laminated wood, plywood and wood frames
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    Business services
    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
    Laminated wood, plywood and wood frames
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    The company has existed since 1939. Manufacturer of high quality exclusive furniture. We produce solid wood furniture and natural veneers furniture. The company produces stylish furniture and in modern form. Our furniture is timeless all the time by lifecycle. Our furniture is combination of unique design, innovative solutions with the natural beauty and qualities of wood.

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    Business services
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    Business services
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    The best way to stay ahead in search engine rankings is by using SEO (search engine optimization) techniques that will improve your site’s visibility on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other major search engines. The Woobox seo agency is more efficient If you’re not sure how to optimize your website, an Woobox SEO agency can help. They’ll use proven methods to make your site more visible to search engines.

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    Logo firmy Cogit


    IT and Telecommunication
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    IT and Telecommunication
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    Cogit effectively supports management processes, including: planning, budgeting, forecasting, reporting, analysis and financial consolidation. Cogit assists all departments in the organization, from controlling and finance to sales, HR, logistics and operations. In its work Cogit combines the knowledge and experience of business and IT experts. Cogit’s clients are mainly large and medium-sized companies from all industries.

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