Updated: 08.08.2024
Profile views: 188
Business services, Industrial machinery and mechanical appliances and parts thereof
Already exports to:
Western Europe, Visegrad Group, Eastern Europe, Baltic states, Nordic states,… expand
Western Europe, Visegrad Group, Eastern Europe, Baltic states, Nordic states, Southeast Europe and the Balkans, Middle East, East Asia, South East Asia, Caucasia, Central Asia, Southern Asia, North Africa, Central Africa, Southern Africa collapse
English, German, Russian
Company description
Our main business is the design and manufacturing of pressure and non-pressure equipment making up industrial installations in the refinery, chemical, petrochemical, mining, fertiliser and energy sectors. In addition, we can manufacture equipment for any industry, such as food processing or water treatment.
We manufacture equipment in accordance with Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, (W)UDT and GOST (EAC) marks.
Company offers
POLIMER is a designer and producer of elements of industrial process installations: pressure equipment, heat exchangers, including air coolers, shell and tube heat exchangers, tube bundles, pipelines and their parts for chemical, petrochemical, refinery, production, gas transmission and power plants and facilities. We also supply prefabricated steel structures. We can handle a wide range of projects, structures, equipment, industrial and railway installations, repairs and modernisations, design
Company commodity
Contact Information

ul. Ujastek 5B
31-752 Kraków - Phone:
+48126440157 - E-mail:
sales@polimer.tech -
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