
Aiton Caldwell SA has a 19-year history of developing telecommunications technologies. We are a provider and integrator of telecommunications services. We use our own technological solutions. We offer IP-PBX telecommunications systems and VoIP telephony, intended for small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as for corporate clients. We have been operating in the competitive ICT (information and communication technologies) market for years. The development of our own technologies is our priority. Numerous awards and honors confirm the validity of our strategy.
Areas of export support
We are a member of the Pracodawcy Pomorza (Employers of Pomerania) organisation, the Pomeranian Business Club, the Pomeranian Regional Chamber of Commerce and the National Chamber of Commerce for Electronics and Telecommunications.
We also cooperate with the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE), leading efforts to regulate the Polish Internet telephony market.
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