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Bydgoszcz Regional Development Agency


Bydgoszcz Regional Development Agency

ul. Unii Lubelskiej 4C; 85-059 Bydgoszcz

Bydgoska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego sp. z o.o. is a business support institution and a municipal company, which carries out the tasks of local authorities in the field of broadly defined economic promotion of the City, by attracting new investors and providing current services for existing ones, stimulating economic development, innovation, entrepreneurship, education of human resources, supporting establishing and conducting business activity, and creating new jobs.

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Bydgoszcz Regional Development Agency:

  • provides professional services for investment projects in the city in the “one stop shop” formula,
  • maintains an Internet database of investment offers, which includes a wide range of sites and facilities for various purposes and sizes,
  • offers companies from Bydgoszcz and all the communes belonging to the Bydgoszcz Metropolis Association the opportunity to register their companies and use the database of companies in the region free of charge,
  • provides advice on various forms of assistance, e.g. EU loans, financial products of the Industrial Development Agency and Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, loan/guarantee funds, or funding for participation in international economic missions
  • organizes dozens of free trainings and conferences, e.g. on legal issues, accounting, HR, marketing, management and soft business skills. Participants can count on tips on running a business and available support, as well as exchange of experience and networking,
  • stimulates the spirit of entrepreneurship on the local market, offering instruments that comprehensively support people planning to start their business adventure. Periodically, we organize meetings with entrepreneurship, simulations of running a business and workshops on registering a business, developing a business model or creating a business plan.

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