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Karkonosze Regional Development Agency Inc.


Karkonosze Regional Development Agency Inc.

1 Maja 27, 58-500 Jelenia Góra

Karkonosze Regional Development Agency S.A. was established in 1993 to promote Lower Silesia and its economic potential as well as to implement national and international projects. Its promotional activities support companies in their development, creation of new jobs and new markets as well as marketing in the country and abroad. KARR supports small and medium-seized enterprises by offering free consulting services, organizing study trips, matchmaking meetings, trainings and conferences, and also offering attractive loans from EU funds. KARR organizes the largest Polish-German-Czech B2B exchange in the region and supports entrepreneurs within the network of contact points for Polish-Czech economic cooperation.

Areas of export support

As an environment organization, KARR provides services in the field of:

  • searching for new sales markets,
  • supporting foreign companies and institutions in obtaining investment information,
  • organization of conferences, trainings, seminars, study tours, cooperation exchanges, fairs and other social and economic events,
  • supporting local and regional initiatives,
  • organization of the largest Polish-German-Czech B2B cooperation exchange in the region.

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