National Poultry Council – Chamber Of Commerce

National Poultry Council – Chamber Of Commerce
- Tel.: +48 22 82 82 389
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We are the largest poultry organization in Poland. We have been operating continuously in Poland for over 30 years. We are a legal entity operating throughout the country.
We have 102 members, representing companies and institutions in areas such as: agriculture; breeding; brood; commercial production of poultry and eggs; processing and trading of poultry meat, its products and eggs; feed production; production of feathers and down and related production; scientific and educational activities related to the poultry sector.
Our members have a total of almost 70% share in the domestic market and 90% share in exports.
We strive to develop and modernize the polish poultry industry, we protect the interests of poultry farmers, producers and processors of poultry meat, and we strive to integrate them, acting as their representative in national and non-governmental organizations, as well as before the face of national authorities.
We also operate at an international level. We are an active member of international organizations: AVEC (Association of Poultry Processors and Poultry Trade in the UE Countries), CLITRAVI (Liaison Center for the Meat Processing Industry in the European Union), ELPHA (European Live Poultry and Poultry Hatching Egg Association), IPC (International Poultry Council ) and WPSA (World’s Poultry Science Association).
Areas of export support
One of our main aims is also supporting the development of exports, strengthening the recognition of Polish brands on the international forum, promoting the Polish poultry industry abroad, promoting poultry consumption and educating about the unique properties, high quality and safety of poultry meat.
We have extensive experience in the field of promotional and educational activities regarding poultry in the country, the EU and outside the community. We organize, among others trade and economic missions in Europe and other countries, conferences and meetings with contractors from other markets through the organization of trade stands at international fairs and trade-related activities. We coordinate veterinary inspections in Poland, the purpose of which is to grant export rights to interested poultry plants or to extend them.
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