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National Support Centre for Agriculture


National Support Centre for Agriculture

Karolkowa 30, 01-207 Warszawa

The National Support Centre for Agriculture (KOWR) was established on the 1st September 2017 under the Act of  the 10th February 2017 (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 623). At that time, two agricultural agencies ceased to exist: the Agricultural Market Agency and the Agricultural Property Agency, whose tasks were largely taken over by the National Support Centre for Agriculture. The  KOWR’s tasks include:

  • Supporting the development of trade cooperation of the agri-food sector with foreign markets.
  • The implementation of promotional and information activities aimed at promoting agricultural and food products, their production methods, as well as  the quality control systems of agricultural and food products
  • Participation, as an intermediate body and beneficiary, in the implementation of the operational programme of the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived.
  • Running the “Program for Schools” in the field of milk and fruit and vegetable supplies.
  • Servicing funds for the promotion of agri-food products.
  • Restructuring and privatization of the State Treasury’s property used for agricultural purposes.
  • Trading in real estate and other assets of the State Treasury used for agricultural purposes.
  • Administration of the State Treasury’s property resources intended for agricultural purposes.
  • Supporting innovation and development activities in the agri-food sector.

Areas of export support

The National Support Centre for Agriculture supports exporting companies through the following activities:

  • Organising and participating in  informational and promotional events abroad, in particular National Stands at international fairs of the agricultural and food industry, culinary shows and tasting events under the slogan “Poland tastes good”.
  • Organising foreign trade missions accompanying international fairs and exhibitions of the agri-food industry.
  • Organising incoming missions of foreign importers and distributors interested in Polish agri-food products.
  • Organising study visits of foreign journalists and culinary bloggers.
  • Distribution of commercial information on foreign markets among entrepreneurs.
  • Developing and distributing analyses  of agricultural and food products and food markets of selected countries.
  • Organising webinars and training on market conditions in individual countries.

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