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Polish Chamber of Commerce


Polish Chamber of Commerce

Trębacka 4, 00‑074 Warsaw, Poland

The Polish Chamber of Commerce is the largest independent business organization in Poland. It was established in 1990. It represents the largest number of entrepreneurs, joining 160 business organizations.

Our main activities are: organization of business missions abroad, hosting foreign business missions in Poland, providing trainings, conferences and seminars for specific industries, Business Partner Matching Service, Implementation of the EU projects, Arbitration Court, Legalization of documents, Certification, ATA Carnets.

Polish Chamber of Commerce in numbers:

  • 100 implemented EU projects supporting the economy,
  • 300 missions to countries all over the world,
  • 50 000 export documents,
  • 110 000 ATA carnets,
  • 100  law consultation processes annually,
  • 200 macroeconomic commentaries annually,
  • 50 macroeconomic reports annually.

Areas of export support

The Polish Chamber of Commerce proposes:

  • Partner matching service

If your company is interested in activity on Polish market and in cooperation with local enterprises we will help to contact your new potential business partners.

In the framework of a Partner Matching service we provide three unique options: preparation of a potential business partners list, organize a meetings with local counterparts, online promotion of your business offer.

If you are interested in the program Partner matching service, learn more at: https://kig.pl/uslugi/wspolpraca-miedzynarodowa/  or contact Foreign Relations Department, bwzz@kig.pl, tel. +48 22 630 96 13

  • B2B meetings for foreign importers and exporters

We are arranging B2B meetings for our clients based on the list provided by them or our research made in partner marching service. You can meet Polish exporters or importers online via ZOOM meeting organized by PCC or in our premises located in the Centre of Warsaw!

If you are interested in the program: B2B meetings for foreign importers and exporters, learn more at: https://kig.pl/uslugi/wspolpraca-miedzynarodowa/  or contact Foreign Relations Department, bwzz@kig.pl, tel. +48 22 630 96 13

  • Event management

We are organizing numerous seminars and conferences for our foreign institutional partners. Events can take place in Warsaw in a conference rooms of capacities starting with 80 persons, equipped in all necessary technical equipment. Additionally a support like simultaneous interpretation or catering offers can be provided for your meetings.

If you are interested in the program: Event management, learn more at: https://kig.pl/uslugi/wspolpraca-miedzynarodowa/  or contact Foreign Relations Department, bwzz@kig.pl, tel. +48 22 630 96 13

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    A growing demand for Polish apples

    In September and October 2023, the total export of Polish apples increased by 4.7%

    oszronione owoce jagodowe

    Frozen berries

    Poland is still number 1 in the export of frozen berries

    ITCENTER logo


    Business services
    IT and Telecommunication
    Transport and courier services
    Electronics and household appliances
    Domestic appliances
    IT and telecommunication equipment
    Biotechnology and pharmaceutics
    Sports and recreation equipment
    Glass and ceramics
    Minerals, metals and fuels
    Aluminium and articles thereof
    Copper and articles thereof
    Minerals, ores and articles thereof
    Iron, steel and articles thereof
    Precious metals
    Other metals and articles thereof
    Plastics, rubber and articles thereof
    Rubber and articles thereof
    Plastics and articles thereof
    Polymers, resins and articles thereof
    Cosmetics and detergents
    Medical equipment
    Machinery and parts thereof
    Industrial machinery and mechanical appliances and parts thereof
    Measuring instruments and apparatus and parts thereof
    Agricultural machinery and parts thereof
    Other instruments and apparatus
    Electromechanical appliances and parts thereof
    Articles of paper and cellulosic material
    Paper, paperboard and cellulosic material
    Products of the printing industry
    Ready-made furniture and parts thereof
    Laminated wood, plywood and wood frames
    Fashion and textiles
    Articles of apparel and clothing accessories
    Textiles, fabrics and articles thereof
    Footwear and articles of leather
    Live bovine animals and beef
    Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
    Live poultry and meat of fowls
    Dairy products
    Live swine and pork
    Fruit, vegetables, mushrooms and products thereof
    Prepared meat and sausages
    Baked goods and sugar confectionery
    Other meats and live animals
    Cereals and products of the milling industry
    Fish and seafood
    Animal food
    Other food products
    Automotive industry
    Combustion engines, motors and parts thereof
    Locomotives, rolling stock, special vehicles and parts thereof
    Electric engines and batteries
    Aerospace industry
    Vehicle parts (excluding engines)
    Other goods
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    Many of the boxed IT solutions that are implemented are no longer effective due to customers’ diverse, complex and non-standardised processes. However, based on many years of experience and a wide range of tailor-made solutions for many industries, we are able to guarantee the synergies resulting from partnerships. Rise to the innovative challenge of the times with us and bet on smart solutions to transform your business now! TMS / WMS / B2B / ERP / POS

    Company’s profile Contact Visit Website
    CREOTECH logo


    IT and telecommunication equipment
    Vehicle parts (excluding engines)
    Other goods
    Show all

    Creotech Instruments is Poland’s leading manufacturer of satellite systems and components, as well as advanced electronics for quantum computer control systems and other applications. The company is also pursuing the development of unmanned aerial systems delivering hardware and software for, among others, drone operations management.

    Company’s profile Contact Visit Website

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