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Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry


Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry

Bukowska 12 (building World Trade Center Poznań, office 122), 60-810 Poznań

Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry (PCEI) was founded in 1993 as “Polska Korporacja Targowa” (“Polish Trade Fair Corporation”) – a voluntary, non-political, self-governing organization of enterprises dealing with the organization of trade fairs and exhibitions and related services.

In 2006 the organization was transformed into Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry and since this year it has been operating as a national economic chamber for entrepreneurs operating in the exhibition industry and industries related to the organization of trade fairs, exhibitions and events. Currently, PCEI has 80 members, including the key Polish exhibition market players.

In accordance with its mission and objectives, Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry promotes Polish economy and  its foreign business relations by developing Polish exhibition industry, the major trade fairs and exhibitions organized in Poland and improving the quality of services rendered by Polish professional exhibition organizers, venue operators and service providers to Exhibitors and Visitors at events.

On the other hand PCEI promotes Trade Fairs and Exhibitions as one of the most important instruments for promotion of export and Polish companies and Polish products and of direct communication and marketing for companies from almost every sector of the economy.

The Chamber integrates the industry environment of Polish companies operating in the broadly understood exhibition industry, which includes:

  • exhibition organizers,
  • operators of exhibition venues,
  • companies designing and constructing exhibition stands,
  • exhibition transport and spedition companies,
  • organizers of Polish companies participations at exhibitions abroad
  • IT services for exhibitions.

Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry is an important platform of contacts and exchange of expertise and know-how between the exhibition market players. PCEI supports also exhibition companies by lobbying the national and local authorities on behalf of the exhibition industry. After 30 years of operations, by participating in regular meetings with the representatives of the Polish Government and individual Ministries, the Chamber has established itself  as an expert in the area of the exhibition industry and it has become a partner for a dialog.

Thanks to active membership (since 1996) in UFI – the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, seated in Paris, Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry maintains contacts with the most important exhibition markets in Europe and all over the world.

Areas of export support

  • by promoting exhibitions as an effective export tool (companies by participating in trade fairs have the opportunity to present their products and services to a wide range of buyers both from home and all over the world),
  • through education of current and potential exhibitors in the field of: optimal selection of trade fairs, cooperation in the field of individual exhibition stand construction, transport of exhibits and other services for exhibitors,
  • through cooperation with Polish Investments & Trade Agency,
  • through cooperation with Polish Tourism Organization.
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