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Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce

Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce

Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce

Puławska 14, 02-512 Warsaw

Founded in March 2008 in Warsaw, the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce (PPCC) is an independent, non-profit organization that sets out to promote the interests of its ca. 200 member companies in respect to the commercial links between businesses in Poland, Portugal and the Portuguese speaking countries.

Our professional and technical experience allows us to promote and enhance the development of the private sector and the relationships between companies and entrepreneurs with interests in the Polish and Portuguese speaking markets.

The PPCC runs its activities towards the development of economic relations, working to attract investors from Portugal to dynamically developing Poland and vice versa, encouraging a continuous improvement of competitiveness and facilitating access of Portuguese and Polish entrepreneurs to new markets.

Areas of export support

The Chamber of Commerce offers support in the establishment of commercial contacts, match-making, ad hoc legal advice, organization of individual and group trade missions, market research, training, recruitment services as well as various Member2Member opportunities, discounts. On a monthly basis, we organize seminars, conferences, business mixers and other events.

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