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Polish Space Agency

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Polish Space Agency

ul. Trzy Lipy 3 (budynek C), 80-172 Gdańsk

Polish Space Agency (POLSA) supports Polish space sector entrepreneurs in representing their interests in the international market. It helps with identifying new opportunities and negotiating participation of Polish entities in large international science and technology projects. It also helps in searching for business partners and new opportunities on the foreign market. POLSA organizes meetings between Polish and foreign industrial entities during international conferences and fairs, workshops, and economic missions. It also supports the Polish space sector by promoting it in social media, on the website and with Polish and foreign media.

Polish Space Agency (POLSA) is an executive agency of the Ministry of Development and Technology established in 2014. Its task is to support the Polish space industry by implementing the priorities of the Polish Space Strategy. POLSA cooperates with international agencies and state administration in the field of space research and use. POLSA is also responsible for promoting the Polish space sector abroad. It conducts activities related to promotion and education on the use of satellite technologies (including navigation, Earth observation and communication) in the economy, administration and everyday life.

Areas of export support

Polish Space Agency supports entrepreneurs in the space sector in the following areas:

  • representing the interests of Polish entities in the international market,
  • supporting Polish entities through advice and consultations regarding participation in programs of European Commission (Horizon Europe, EUSPA, etc.) and the European Space Agency,
  • identifying new opportunities for Polish space sector and negotiating their participation in large international science and technology projects, including Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)/NASA,
  • acquiring projects at the European Space Agency and implementing products and services developed by the Polish space sector into European supply chains,
  • searching for business partners on the foreign market,
  • organization and coordination of meetings between Polish and foreign industrial entities, for example during international conferences and fairs, workshops, economic missions, etc.,
  • coordinating inbound missions of ESA delegates to Polish companies,
  • promotion of Polish space sector in POLSA communication channels (including: maintaining and updating the database of entities, communication in social media, building relationships with the media).

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    Polish manufacturer of dietary supplements and cosmetics. We are based in Warsaw, we have our own, certified production plant. Right now our portfolio contains more than 120 products and we export them to almost 50 countries. We do also Private Labels and Contract Manufacturing – we are very flexible, due to the fact that we have our facility. If you are interested in cooperation or to get additional information – please contact us directly through e-mail or WhatsApp by English language.

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