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Home > Sustainable Infrastructure Cluster

Sustainable Infrastructure Cluster


Sustainable Infrastructure Cluster

Ul. Cegielniana 6B/2; 30-404 Kraków

Sustainable Infrastructure Cluster is the largest cluster in Poland promoting and implementing affordable energy efficient construction technologies, since 2016 recognized by the Ministry of Development as a National Key Cluster. It consists of more than 150 entities, including the largest universities in Krakow, ie: AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow University of Technology, Jagiellonian University and scientific and research institutes. The overarching aim of cooperation is to promote the highest energy efficiency in construction achieved by using innovative construction and technological solutions developed by entrepreneurs associated in our Cluster. The coordinator of the Cluster is the Institute for Advising Sp. z o.o., an accredited Innovation Center by the Ministry of Development, as well as a nationwide training and advisory center specializing in the RES sector and promotion of energy-saving technologies. The cluster comprehensively provides solutions for passive and energy efficient construction, starting with the design, through selection of construction, thermal insulation materials, woodwork until equipment with modern installations and building automation, based on products of cluster members.

Areas of export support

As a part of the Cluster for Sustainable Infrastructure we offer obtaining funding for projects, training, consulting and research and development in the field of energy efficiency, innovative construction and building management systems with the support of the Center for Technology Transfer and Training created by us, as well as services related to the optimization of energy consumption in the broad sense, including, among others: thermomodernization, energy audits, building integrity tests, thermovision tests.

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