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Wielkopolska Chamber of Commerce

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Wielkopolska Chamber of Commerce

Wrzesińska 19, 62-200 Gniezno

The Wielkopolska Chamber of Commerce was established on 22 June 2017. It is an organisation of economic self-government, representing the economic interests of its member entrepreneurs, in particular towards public authorities.

The Wielkopolska Chamber of Commerce brings together entrepreneurs on a voluntary basis. The aim of the WIG is to create conditions for the development of economic life, support business initiatives, carry out export activation, promotional and service activities, and support capital and scientific-technical cooperation. The Chamber operates on the basis of the Act of 30 May 1989 on Chambers of Commerce and regulations issued on its basis, and in accordance with the Statutes approved by its members.

Areas of export support

The Wielkopolska Chamber of Commerce undertakes initiatives related to the promotion of exports, establishes contacts with representatives of organisations that bring together employers’ organisations abroad. Since 2019, the WIG has been publishing an entrepreneurs’ catalogue in which it presents the offer of its members. The catalogue is published in Polish, English, German and Ukrainian.

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    Wyższa Szkoła Prawa we Wrocławiu

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    The University of Law in Wroclaw, a private institution in the heart of Lower Silesia’s capital, has established a notable reputation as a magnet for future lawyers and specialists in the field of internal security who aspire to surmount the challenges of the intricate world of jurisprudence. The university offers extensive study programs, encompassing bachelor’s that furnish a firm groundwork in a specific field and the master’s that enable a profound comprehension of the subject matter.

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