Exploring the Swedish Digital Healthcare Ecosystem: Insights and Pathways
Sweden consistently ranks among the top few in global healthcare systems’ efficiency and quality rankings. Despite variations among Nordic countries, their emphasis on innovation, robust public healthcare infrastructure, and a patient-centric approach positions the region as fertile ground for MedTech advancements and market opportunities.

We invite you to a webinar consisting of several thematic blocks:
- Healthcare Landscape: Providing an overview of how healthcare is organized in Sweden, both public, public funded private companies and private.
- Market Insights: Mapping of the B2B and B2C providers in Sweden, discussing opportunities for innovation.
- Financing and Investment: Offering a realistic overview of the available financing options.
- Partnerships: Giving an idea of the potential to engage with Swedish partners, understanding the importance of local collaboration.
The webinar speakers will be:
- Aleksandra Gromnicka, Business Development Manager, PAIH’s Foreign Trade Office in Sweden,
- Joanna Hofman, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to the Kingdom of Sweden, Polish Embassy in Sweden,
- Jessica Liljegren, Digital lead, Nordic Healthcare Group,
- Tommi Kemppainen, Senior Partner, Nordic Healthcare Group,
- Otto Öhman, Analyst, Nordic Healthcare Group.
The webinar will be held in English.

Polska Agencja Inwestycji i Handlu (PAIH)
- Tel.: +48 22 334 99 10
- E-mail: paih24@paih.gov.pl
- Wszystko
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